Restriction on Local network in custom address range in ratos 2?

Is there a testriction on Reserved private IPv4 network ranges usages. If i want to use a non Reserved private IPv4 network ranges (not a 10...* ; 172...* or 192.168..) it seems that the ratos is not reachable anymore (Lan nor wifi) is this correct? Are there restrictions on this as my ratos 1.* versions wotks with non Reserved private IPv4 network ranges
5 Replies
VannueOP14mo ago
as long when I don’t connect to the wifi and just via the standard ratos wifi hotspot the system is accessible not via the local lan ip address. It’s kind of weird
VannueOP14mo ago
thank you. This is the reason why my upgrades to ratOS 2.* has everytime failed
miklschmidt14mo ago
For the record this restriction was in place in RatOS v1 as well It's a safety measure in case moonraker is reachable from the outside world (very bad). It's also present in MainsailOS and FluiddPi.
VannueOP14mo ago
thanks for the info @miklschmidt I’ll check the settings in MainsailOS & FluiddPi aswell. It’still strange that in RatOS v1 I didn’t face any issue. I’m definitely pro security measures!

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