vcore 300 Not sure how to input the proper values
So here are my charts, but i'm struggling inputting the values. I feel like i'm doing what the commissioning guide says but it errors out when rebooting after saving

22 Replies
Change to this layout and see if it helps.

But also give the error out code along with klipper.log
I removed this "Printer/max_accel_to_decel:"and the error code stopped. I'm printing a benchy now.
Is that ei more appropriate for my graph results? And where is that 96.6 unit coming from? This is my first time doing input shaper, it's a bit overwhelming lol
My printer is different than yours. Just pay attention to what yours puts out for graphs. You want clean graphs.
so, first of all if you are getting error, always make a screenshot of the error, it really helps people to point you to a solution.
the values you have set at the beginning are what the graphs showed. so they are fine. that being said your graphs are kind of a mess, the amplitude is low, and they aren't clean.
on 300mm v-core you should get Y peak at around 50hz and X peak at 70-75, so you are most likely have some mechanical issues.
Thanks guys, I think I got it to where it should be, tightening the belts gave me better looking charts and having now printed a ringing tower i'm pleased with the results

before and after, showing the Y ringing here, there is none on the X
looks a lot better! the Y is still a bit noisy and i'd try to localise what that peak around 110hz is on X axis.
but even as it is now you'll have much better time than before
So just obersving the machine when it's running the test i believe its picking up belt slap
it gets noisy arounds the 110's
there's a macro for keeping the printer vibrating at one frequency gimme a second

this was the error btw
I just removed that line I had in there before normally you'd put there a number like
max_accel_to_deccel: 5000
without the accel<=
partI want to say I tried that, but will again, Printing a temp tower atm
you can leave it to klipper's default and play around with it once you get your printer to print well 🙂
Yeah, working my way through that now lol. Very drippy so I figured I need to tune the pressure advance
that's for easier figuring out the 110hz peak.
you'd need to SSH into the pi though
thanks for the help