no good walls

Hello, Had anybody of you the same problem. It’s Pla meta, printed with 220°C, and 100mm/s. Input shape calibrated with the tools from Orca. Hotend is Rapido with 0,4 nozzle. Extruder is Hextrudort. Printer V Core 3/400.
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7 Replies
TheTik4w ago
Do you only get those ripples on one side of the print?
Buccaneer4w ago
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Buccaneer4w ago
I made two walls that he must change the layer.
TheTik4w ago
is your issue with the wall, or the seam?
DizzySkizzo3w ago
whats your pressure advance?
Buccaneer3w ago
I made test from Orca and changed the value in the slicer. But I don’t know if the printer takes this value or the value in the config of the duet board. At this moment I don’t get a connection to the printer and can’t make any more tests☹️
Jamorro3w ago
it should take the value in the slicer over the boards config
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