Consistent Verification Error When Flashing Image File to SD Card Using Etcher

Hello all, I am trying to flash the image file 2023-06-09-RatOS-2.0.2-raspberry-rpi32.img.xz to a 32 GB Sandisk SD card, but I keep encountering an error at the very end during the verification process. I am using Etcher for flashing. I have already tried using 3 different SD cards, 2 card readers, and 2 different PCs, but the error occurs every combination. I have also downloaded the file multiple times. The error message is: "Something went wrong. If it is a compressed image, please check that the archive is not corrupted. The writer process ended unexpectedly." I'm new with RatOs but not with flashing cards for Raspbery PI. when using the cards for standard Raspbery Pi images there is no problem. Thank you for taking the time to help me!
Same issue here, two different cards and card readers, Balena Etcher 1.19.21. Finally got it working (successful flash at least, not tested in RPi yet) using balenaEtcher-Portable-1.18.1
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21 Replies
blacksmithforlife•10mo ago
what is the checksum of the image? Maybe it got corrupted when you downloaded it
WernerSOP•10mo ago
I do not know how to verify that. But i did an new download on several pc's on several networks all with the same result
blacksmithforlife•10mo ago you can see the SHA256 hashes have been uploaded to github to check against
WernerSOP•10mo ago
Thanks, and clear. I checked the checksum of the image with the provided file on Github. They match 100%
WernerSOP•10mo ago
I have no clue what i do wrong. I use an 32Gb Sandisk Ultra U1 A1 card like mentioned in the installation manual. I know now the SHA256 is correct. I also tested the Card if it booth up in the PI but it won't. so clearly something is wrong At 99% of the verification this message appears.
No description
blacksmithforlife•10mo ago
I'm not sure - you might have to ask the Balena Etcher developers. Maybe they know what else to check or if there is more in some logs
miklschmidt•10mo ago
Odd. That image is quite old and has been working fine for a year now @WernerS give 2.1-RC1 a shot instead, if that throws an error too despite the checksums matching, then obviously it's a hardware issue somehow. Try different USB ports etc. The good thing is, balena tells you this instead of just acting like everything is fine (in which case you'd be wondering why things act strange way further down the line).
albin•10mo ago
Same issue here, two different cards and card readers, Balena Etcher 1.19.21. Finally got it working (successful flash at least, not tested in RPi yet) using balenaEtcher-Portable-1.18.1
WernerSOP•10mo ago
I used Raspbery Pi Imager and it worked flawles. Including the verification. I started up the Pi and saw the Klipper screen. As my machine is not complete yet i did not proceed. But it seems to work.
AsicResistor•9mo ago
same issue here for 64gb sd card, I'll try rpi imager
Arthur_C•9mo ago
I had the same when flashing RatOS 2.1 to SD with Belana Etcher (latest release). Tried with an older Raspberri Pi Imager and that went fine.
WernerSOP•9mo ago
Yes I finally got RatOs 2.02 working with Etcher 1.18.8 with newwer no succes
53•9mo ago
Tried this. Flash worked, but the activity light on the pi won't light up and there isn't a web interface.
The older Etcher worked for me. Now I need to try and recover the sd cards that were nuked trying to solve this. 😕
miklschmidt•9mo ago
Seems like there's a bug in 1.19.. sigh.
DJDupid•9mo ago
where do you get the old version of balena etcher found one
Zzw11•5mo ago
This post literally saved my day! Have struggled with this for the entire day, found etcher 1.18, worked first try!
miklschmidt•5mo ago
Ugh that's unfortunate, sorry about that! Can't believe it's not fixed yet.
GeoQer•3mo ago
Glad I found this thread. I have never used a Raspberry Pi before and was getting frustrated trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. Hoping Balena Etcher v1.18.8 will resolve the issue. 1.18.8 resolved the issue. Thank you everyone for figuring this out.
Unipenta•3mo ago
That’s the problem I also had that I contacted you about in PM @miklschmidt because I thought I was a fool that didn’t know how to create a proper image. Will try another Etcher version soonish
Unipenta•3mo ago
I can confirm that e.g. balenaEtcher-Portable-1.18.11 also works. Downloaded here:
Download Etcher for free. A safe way to flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives. Etcher is a powerful OS image flasher. It protects a user from accidentally overwriting hard-drives by making drive selection obvious;

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