ADXL app. correlation

Hey guys, got this ADXL from Amazon, but apprevition are slightly dofferent, can anyone help what is the right correlation to the supported board on Rat Os site.
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4 Replies
Naiofz91OP2y ago
Also X and Y direction looks to be inverted if i was to place it as per the eva mount with or that doesnt matter ?
genetic-orange2y ago
Whats the issue? It should be easy to correlate the pins Is there documentation for the adxl you received?
Naiofz91OP2y ago
actually turns out i have a different version of the adxl, this is a mpu 6050, and it required different install proccess was for me as a noob user is kindda overwhilming, so i just went n got the adxl345, did the solder work n all n got it working.
genetic-orange2y ago

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