stepper buzz

@elcoj was it you that was able to fix the stpper buzz problem?
41 Replies
stormy-goldOP3y ago
elco3y ago
yep, didn't have time to move this to the new forum format
stormy-goldOP3y ago
well I have a very intresting problem now I thought the wiring like you had in your picture for X and Y, but now my printer when I go to the consul to move X it moves Y so what I assumed was to flip the wires, so that X would move X properly and Y moved Y properly, nothing changed, and what happens now when it goes to hit An in stop, the printer doesn’t even stop. It just slams itself into the endstop and keeps trying to move, Like the endstops work but it’s like they don’t even read it? I’m useing a Manta m8p @elcoj
optimistic-gold3y ago
I'd guess that it's only looking for input from the X endstop while moving on the X axis. There's a chart somewhere about flipping pins to make the movement go in the direction you expect, I don't recall where. It's either swapping ports or inverting things in printer.cfg
stormy-goldOP3y ago
But even when I set the kinematic position, when I press the arrow to go right on the x-axis, it goes back on the Y axis? Get what I’m saying ya know?
elco3y ago
Did you forget to invert the direction pins?
stormy-goldOP3y ago
No. I didn’t
elco3y ago
Didn't forget? If you flip the motor pins, it inverts the direction. So you need to invert the dir pin too.
stormy-goldOP3y ago
I did-not forget
elco3y ago
And only flipped the pins on one side of the cable?
stormy-goldOP3y ago
I flipped the pins on both sides Guess I should of payed attention Sorry
elco3y ago
And you expected that to do anything except changing your wire colors?🤣
stormy-goldOP3y ago
I don’t understand
optimistic-gold3y ago
Just to clarify, did you change the position of two pins, or 4 pins (or 8 pins)
elco3y ago
It's just on one side 1234 to 4321
stormy-goldOP3y ago
8 pins Each side Ohhhh Gotcha
optimistic-gold3y ago
elco3y ago
So each motor pin is still connected to the same driver pin
stormy-goldOP3y ago
stormy-goldOP3y ago
No not at all. (Yes) just kinda stupid ya know Lolll
optimistic-gold3y ago
I might do this now since I'm tinkering with my config too anyways... Man I wish I had your skill depinning, mine are all JST connectors that don't have the easy plastic tab to lift and instead have to press the metal insert down 😅 , doesn't go so well. Gonna swap them around on the stepper side, it does appear to have the little plastic tabs to lift.
stormy-goldOP3y ago
optimistic-gold3y ago
Also does this apply to Z motors? Z seems to be the loudest, but I assume that's coming from the actual bed moving/etc
elco3y ago
Yes But also align your lead screws and lube them After adding top constraints, reseat the coupler by loosening and fastening Motor side is easy with a small knife
optimistic-gold3y ago
Ah, I don't have top constraints (3.0 build didn't have them)
stormy-goldOP3y ago
@elcoj switch the bored side back to the normal wiring diagram, still its moving flunky x moves y, y moves x
optimistic-gold3y ago
did you plug them back into the wrong ports If you plug your X motor into the Y port, and visversa... it'll do that
stormy-goldOP3y ago
No I even flipped them to check @apple.sauce
optimistic-gold3y ago
Did you forget to flip both x and y in the printer.cfg? Or the wires on one of them? Check your wiring again against your board's documentation on the ratrig page
stormy-goldOP3y ago
What is there to flip in the cfg? No
optimistic-gold3y ago
You need to invert the pin for the motors so they turn backwards now Since you've crossed the wiring to be backwards.
stormy-goldOP3y ago
Oh well yah i did that But i dont understand how x can control y, vice versa
optimistic-gold3y ago
Because of how corexy works To move in X axis, both motors have to spin. Google suggests that you need to reverse one motor in a CoreXY to flip X/Y
stormy-goldOP3y ago
So what dose that mean
optimistic-gold3y ago
That you have a wiring problem Or a config problem. I suggest you re-check: 1) Did you correctly reverse both sets of X and Y. Does the wiring order on both stepper ends of the cable match, and does the wiring on the opposite ends match each other 2) Check that they're plugged into the correct board per the wiring diagram 3) Check that you inverted both of them in printer.cfg with a "!" (or by removing a ! if you already had it) and that you didn't accidentally invert a Z stepper via the printer.cfg or something.
stormy-goldOP3y ago
Yes i think i found the problem one momment @apple.sauce I fixed it, WOW DOSE THAT MAKE A DIFFRENCE Why would my bed heater just stop heating? Like i have been printing fine all day
Please don't rename a post and change the subject. It makes it confusing for people in the future doing searches. Why don't you start a new post specific to your new problem?
stormy-goldOP3y ago
Okay I will .
adverse-sapphire3y ago
Hi, I have the problem with Stepper buzz. I tried everything I read about. Flip the wires on one side, changed the stepper driver, lower the run current and bought new motor cables. Nothing work. Btw i use 5160’s and ldo 42STH48-2504AC. Sorry for my bad English tho 😅
please start a new post

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