v-minion - rattling noise

Hi! I could not figure out what is the source of this horrible rattling noise. I was thinking it is a fan shroud (was not flush with back plate), reprinted and reassembled the whole EVA - but it is still there. It feels it might be a X rail. Printer is second hand, so I don't know what is the rail quality and what happened before, but rails are RR stock ones I think. Any ideas?
14 Replies
generous-apricot•2y ago
Unfortunately, this could be a lot of things. If you're sure that ALL the screws are fine, i'd check the pulley and idler on the x axis, aswell as the carriage. If this is the Balls in the carriage rattling, you could re-grease them- at least a change in sound will tell you if thhat's the problem. to check if its from moving parts you could use the macro in the ratos macro channel helge did and i modified to check for resonances and thus rattling. if you get the sound only when moving distances like in your vid - try what i said
broad-brownOP•2y ago
I think I found the source: it is 5015 fan shaft parallel to X, so when head moves left and right - fan blades moves too. I have GDStime dual ball bearing and not sure what to do now...
generous-apricot•2y ago
check it with the macro, so you can put your finger on the fan and see if it really is the culprit if it is, well, change it 😅
broad-brownOP•2y ago
The question is change to what. Another 5015 probably will be the same. 4028 - not sure I'll be able to find 24v version, another buck converter is not an option (no space in the box anymore). @seriosha How to find this macro?
generous-apricot•2y ago
Guy, like i said, in the ratos macro channel. it's literally the last post
generous-apricot•2y ago
Cool, then you at least have an Angle of attack 🙂
broad-brownOP•2y ago
Problem solved by 9GA0424P3J001, thanks everyone, case closed Nope, case is not closed. Something else rattling too. I hate this printer.
generous-apricot•2y ago
🙈 You know how it works, identify one rattle after another.... 😅
broad-brownOP•2y ago
No idea what it is this time Okay, that was poorly maintained rails. Full cleanup, lubrication, reinstall - a lot less noise. Or maybe not... haha...
broad-brownOP•2y ago
broad-brownOP•2y ago
infill printed at 200 mm/s and 7K accel Y rail is in quite bad condition, maybe even relubrication could not help and It needs to be changed With 90° infill direction it a lot more silent, why is that?
broad-brownOP•2y ago
loczek•14mo ago
Hi, did you manage to reduce the noise?

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