any help appreciated
I am trying to get my belts retensioned but I just can’t seem to get it. I replaced my hotend from the mosquito to the volcomosq, and I had ti loosen my belts to adjust my lever m1 position and now I can’t get it back. Before making the adjustment; my input shaper results recommended 10.3k accel on Y (MZV) and around 24k on X (mzv) and now I can’t even get a decent belt tension graph. Due to the conditions of the graphs I haven’t even run input shaper tests. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Mosquito to Volcomosq
V—core 400 3.0
Update : I noticed the entire pic did upload, part was cut off, so I am making a new post to show the full info.
2 Replies
continuing-cyanOP•2y ago
Previous graph that recommended 6.7k on y, 22k on x. I was able to do some minor tweaking in the belts to get the 10k recommendation
continuing-cyanOP•2y ago