Configurator 502 Bad Gateway on RatOS 2.1.x

I am trying to install RatOS 2.1.x on my V-Core 3.1 400mm (stock). I've gone through the instructions in the announcement and on the installation page. My RPi 4 is connected through ethernet, so I didn't need to set up the wifi, but the page was working to do so. I didn't, but it was there. I opened Mainsail and updated ratos and then ratos-configurator, as instructed. I restarted and refreshed and updated all the components. Now that everything is up-to-date, though, I can't get to the configurator page to actually set up/connect to my printer. I always get a 502 Bad Gateway (nginx/1.18.0) error page. The Realtime Analysis Page and the VAOC page also do not work. The others seem fine. Can someone please advise? I've been trying to get my printer working for HOURS now and my printer fan is going full blast until I can get a configuration going.
10 Replies
O_PinguimOP3mo ago
I also just noticed these messages:
No description
No description
No description
rmilyard3mo ago
You find a fix yet? Same issue now
O_PinguimOP3mo ago
Nope, not yet. It sounded like they're were going to cut a new release of RC4 in the next few days, so I may just wait for that. Or limp along with an un-updated version of RC2. I'm glad that I'm not alone, though! I've been following your thread and it's huge!
rmilyard3mo ago
You are not. You using RC1?
O_PinguimOP3mo ago
I tried the doctor thing, too, and it segfaults. After I figured out where it even was. RC2
rmilyard3mo ago
Well we are not alone for sure.
kenneth2mo ago
FWIW, I got this issue specifically with the Configurator update to v2.1.0-RC3-21-g31ad483f. I noticed the update sequence included output that looked like a failed 'sudo' invocation ('no password', 'input not a terminal') presumably from the update script. This is not an official suggestion, and may make things worse, probably should only try if you're comfortable rebuilding your entire image: I was able to resolve the immediate issue (bad gateway) by cd ~/ratos-configuration; sudo app/scripts/ The update script ran happily, and included a step for 'whitelisting the RatOS git hooks [for sudo]', which I expect was the step that failed; probably this was an update issue (from skipping a specific intermediate update?) that bootstrapped the sudo whitelisting.
O_PinguimOP2mo ago
I tried running the update script and I was getting a segfault. I think I'm just going to reflash RC2 for now and wait for the new image. Thanks for looking into this!
tcsjc2mo ago
Im getting the same issue so will follow this instead of creating my own post.
MDFPereira2mo ago
To restore RatOS… Try this, line by line: ssh to the machine cd printer_data/config/RatOS git fetch origin git checkout -b v2.1.x origin/v2.1.x sudo ./scripts/ cd ~/ratos-configurator git fetch origin git checkout -b v2.1.x-deployment origin/v2.1.x-deployment sudo ./scripts/ sudo systemctl restart ratos-configurator sudo systemctl restart klipper sudo systemctl restart moonraker This errors usualy show after a soft/hard reset on anything. As stated on the documentation, NEVER use any of them.

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