Output pins seem to have changed after updating to RatOS 2.1

This was the configuration of my daylight leds on previous version. On the latest version only the left LED goes on and the right one does weird behaviour, seems to illuminate sometimes when the printer is doing things.
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now today with tinkering on the rpi to resolve the voltage issues those damn dupont connectors came loose and without thinking I plugged it into PD12 again instead of PD14
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23 Replies
blacksmithforlifeβ€’2w ago
What board did you select in the configurator?
AsicResistorβ€’2w ago
the octopus v1.1 while printing the led goes on, after print it seems to go off when I start homing it also goes on
miklschmidtβ€’2w ago
Are you sure the power jumper is set correctly? Also are you sure you're not just frying those poor fan mosfets by running LED's on them? πŸ˜…
AsicResistorβ€’2w ago
I never had any issues with them, they run on 24v so the amps shouldn't be too high I would think I also always ran them at half the power
miklschmidtβ€’2w ago
in any case, RatOS can't change pins on your board. PD14 and PD13 is PD14 and PD13 @AsicResistor do you have any macro's defined for controlling those leds?
AsicResistorβ€’2w ago
No, all I had to do previously was add that to my printer.cfg and the sliders appeared in mainsail automatically
AsicResistorβ€’2w ago
That's why it seems like a software thing to me, it is very systematically that the right led strip goes on when I start a print and goes off when the print is done
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miklschmidtβ€’2w ago
Yeah then there's nothing from RatOS influencing it, it's all down to electronics and manual configuration unfortunately. RatOS has LED macro's that you may have inadvertently half overwritten, that's why i asked, but if you're not using any macro's that's not the case. If it's a software thing it's a klipper thing
AsicResistorβ€’2w ago
I found out what was wrong I previously used PD12 because it was the first port available on the board but when I put that in the config klipper gave me a warning that a system function uses that port and cannot be used for anything else
AsicResistorβ€’2w ago
now today with tinkering on the rpi to resolve the voltage issues those damn dupont connectors came loose and without thinking I plugged it into PD12 again instead of PD14
miklschmidtβ€’2w ago
yeah that's the controller fan hahaha so your leds were acting like your controller fan πŸ˜‚ well that explains a lot Don't you have any driver cooling? Or are you using an always on fan?
AsicResistorβ€’2w ago
I'm running without any driver cooling πŸ˜…
miklschmidtβ€’2w ago
i really recommend cooling those! just in case (also extends their life)
AsicResistorβ€’2w ago
Now that you mention it, I've worked with them in the past and they do get toasty
miklschmidtβ€’2w ago
also non-performance mode is just so slow
AsicResistorβ€’2w ago
Waaaait That's all it takes to unlock performance mode?
miklschmidtβ€’2w ago
AsicResistorβ€’2w ago
I thought I needed cooled stepper motors πŸ₯²
miklschmidtβ€’2w ago
AsicResistorβ€’2w ago
This is great news haha
miklschmidtβ€’2w ago
AsicResistorβ€’2w ago
I feel like I got a next generation printer upgrade in one day, what is this πŸ₯³