Dead fans?

I have enabled in the cfg the part cooling fan, controller fan and toolhead fan. Toolhead fan i get an error Include file '/home/pi/printer_data/config/RatOS/4pin-fans/toolhead-cooling-fan-100hz.cfg' does not exist if I take disable it I get Pin '4p_controller_board_pin' is not a valid pin name on mcu 'mcu'. The fans are all connected to the Manta. I tried connecting the toolhead fan to the EBB42 but it still does not work.
31 Replies
upload your printer.cfg please
SynapsisOP13mo ago
I even see them but fan is not turning,
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how do you have it wired up?
SynapsisOP13mo ago
connected as per image in borads Manta m8p 11 directly to th manta 2 PWM and one 2 pin for the toolhead 12 volts for the PWM and 24 for the toolhead
just to understand, all 3 fans are not working?
SynapsisOP13mo ago
yes I tried enabling but nothing
the controller fan will only turn on when the steppers are energized but the toolhead fan and cooling fan you should be able to control you have both the toolhead cooling fan and the part cooling fan attached to EBB42?
SynapsisOP13mo ago
no to the Manta
upload a picture of how you have it wired please
SynapsisOP13mo ago
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no, your actual wiring
SynapsisOP13mo ago
hot end fan is connected to the 2 wire thats how its wired
well, as soon as you add in the EBB42, you have to follow that wiring diagram. But I can't check what you have actually done unless you show me your real wiring
SynapsisOP13mo ago
on moment
SynapsisOP13mo ago
the hot end is connected to the 2 pin port and the partfan to the first PWM (lower one) and the controller fan to the 2 PWM
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SynapsisOP13mo ago
I tried connecting the hot end to the EBB42but it did not turn on, should it come on as soon as i turn the printer on?
not sure what you mean by this. You want the hotend to get hot as soon as your printer turns on? that would be a safety issue But back to the fans - if you want to use the fan ports on the manta instead of the toolboard, you are going to had to specify that in your USER OVERRIDES section. As soon as you add the toolboard configs it expects you to wire the fans according to
SynapsisOP13mo ago
I connected to toolhead fan to the EBB42 why do i get this errore when I enable fan Pin '4p_controller_board_pin' is not a valid pin name on mcu 'mcu' I took out what i had put in override
because there are only 2 4pin connectors and they are defined for part cooling and hotend fans
SynapsisOP13mo ago
ok I have now connected the 2 pin toolhead fan to the EBB42 but it still does not work
it would work if you have the 1.0 version because that has 3 4pin connectors did you flash the EBB42?
SynapsisOP13mo ago
? when I did the setup yes
ohh, sorry, that toolhead fan will only come on when the hotend is heating up or hot
SynapsisOP13mo ago
i tried to heat it up but nothing, could it be it was flashed i get this when i enble the toolhead fan Include file '/home/pi/printer_data/config/RatOS/4pin-fans/toolhead-cooling-fan-100hz.cfg' does not exist
I would use a multi-meter to confirm the EBB42 is suppling power that will not work, and has nothing to do with this error
SynapsisOP13mo ago
the EBB42 doesn't have a 4pin fan header, so you will always get that error if you heat up your hotend, the two pin fan header on the EBB42 should supply power and you can check that with a multimeter assuming you wired it according to
SynapsisOP13mo ago
something ins not write beacuse I tried heating the hotend and the see the temp sise but the hot end is not getting hot
show a picture of your EBB42 wiring please
SynapsisOP13mo ago
My bad the hotend is turning no ok put the setting in override and now they all working thank for you help.

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