Can Fluidd run on port 80 while retaining access to RatOS configuration?
I just tried to install Fluidd on port 80 (uninstalled Mainsail first, and reinstalled afterwards on port 81), which made it impossible to access the RatOS configurator in the browser. Is it possible to gain access to the configurator in another way?
11 Replies
wouldn't your HTTP address just need :81 added (vs default @ :80 for http)
so EG: (or your <named server> vs
sunny-greenOP•3y ago
No, didn't work. Mainsail worked on port 81, but not the configurator...
take a look at your moonraker.conf file at the ip addresses
sunny-greenOP•3y ago
I didn't try using <named server> though... only the ip adress, which should be the same.
Couldn't see anything in moonraker.conf regarding the ratos configutator
I didn't have any issues accessing fluidd and mainsail on ip adress + port 80/81
Only the configurator didn't work're saying you are ok talking to the front end, it's the front end not seeing the machine?
(on port 81)
don't quote me...but I think that is hard coded (not a .cfg file variable) , during initial setup
sunny-greenOP•3y ago
Hmm... I'll try to start over, and see if I can make it work the second time...
Just tried again from a clean installation. Uninstalling Mainsail, and installing Fluidd on port 80, reinstalling Mainsail on port 81, makes it impossible to access the RatOS configurator.
Tried to go back, and install mainsail on port 80 again, but it didn't fix the problem.
It must be possible to edit a config file somewhere in RatOS, so it's possible to change how to access the configurator?
As a note - I used Kiuah to install Fluidd and uninstall/reinstall Mainsail.
Don’t use Kiauh.
You’ll need to manually install it and fix the nginx config or just use the hosted version.
sunny-greenOP•3y ago
@miklschmidt will Kiauh mess up the settings?
Do you mean I'll have to install Fluidd manually? Hosted version?
It's not very important, but I just wanted Fluidd on port 80, because I have that on my other printer. And I prefer Fluidd above Mainsail... so I thought it might be possible.
Will look into nginx...
Kiauh will mess up a lot more than settings.
The Klipper web interface for managing your 3d printer
sunny-greenOP•3y ago
Well moving mainsail and ratos/configure to port 81 was very easy actually. You can edit the port in /etc/nginx/sites-available/mainsali. Just change port number 80 -> 81 and you're good to go.
Installing using Kiauh just overwrites the nginx settings, and therefor messing up the ratos/configure part. I cannot see what trouble Kiauh makes beyond that??
Kiauh 5 completely changed the directory structure and it will mess up a lot of assumptions in ratos