Extruder Stepper getting hot at iddle and vibrates

Hello everyone, Just got back to work after a month and found most of 3d printer farms broken by my lovely colleagues lol. The vcore 500 has one belt broken and has been replaced by me yesterday. Anyway, I was about to do some calibration when I found the extruder stepper vibrating (Bondtech LGX lite - RR kit), I dismantle the stepper and found it to be very hot after 5/10min which makes me think about short ? or the stepper driver failure ? Once I press extrude, it vibrates (like wrong polarity). Nothing has been changed with the FW nor the hardware extruder (only the rapido hot end has been changed by my colleagues). I have no clue where to start. Maybe a quick fix ? THanks everyone.
1 Reply
NewCalJsOP2y ago
Problem solved, bad crimping... I let that post for someone who will encore the same problem maybe..

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