Rapido 1 - Is my hotend dead or just wires and terminals?

See logs. One is short and contains only a part before shutdown. The other is full log. I started getting Verify heater errors. I changed the wire leading to thermistor. Last night I got ADC out of range - hotend exceeded 300 °C after 10 seconds of no power going in (at least I think the logs are per second?). I'm gonna re-crimp Rapido Thermistor wires, just because it's the last connection not serviced this week. My question is: I do not think this is pointing to bad wires and contacts on thermistor side - I'd expect printer to shutdown after reported temperature is very low, not after long time of temperature steadily increasing?
5 Replies
FerfiOP4mo ago
I recrimped the Rapido terminals and swapped for regular dupont ones - it seems to have have been fixed. The PID heating seems to be in line at least.
FerfiOP4mo ago
Keep in mind that the "before" is an extreme case and it wasnt like that most of the time,
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FerfiOP4mo ago
Still if anybody has anything interesting to add, feel free.
TheTik4mo ago
That sounds about right. Thermistor work by changing resistance with temp. If there is a bad connection that also changes resistance with physical manipulation, you're going to get weird readings
FerfiOP4mo ago
I know I know... But the reason why I even created this thread - according to logs that last failure occured because reported temperature continuously increased up to shutdown at 300 °C while heater was not powered on.

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