Homing problem with "ratOS_homing" not valid section

Hi there. I installed Klipper on a pc with Kiauh on a Ratrig Vcore 3. I'm having issue with the ratOS_homing section which is not considered valid. The z homing is not being done in the middle of the bed, i have to manually move the head to the center of the bed otherwise the head crash into the bed. I have a second problem with the shell-macros file and especially with shells command-generate_shape_graph. I found the methode to relink this macro however i cannot connect to http://ratos.local/configure, because i'm not on a pi, mayble... https://os.ratrig.com/docs/troubleshooting/#section-gcode_shell_command-generate_shaper_graph_x-or-others-is-not-a-valid-config-section is there a way to make theses macro work ? Any lead on how to solve theses problems would be appreciated, thanks in advance ๐Ÿ˜‰
Troubleshooting | RatOS
My steppers are running backwards!
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7 Replies
blacksmithforlifeโ€ข16mo ago
Yeah, using kiauh doesn't work. You can't just add the macros and expect it to work as there are missing assumptions. Better would be make your own Rat-OS image and use that directly or in a docker setup. But this is an advanced setup and you should have the experience necessary before attempting
kilou77OPโ€ข16mo ago
There is no image of RatOS for PC on git? https://github.com/Rat-Os/RatOS/releases There is only raspberry and arm images. Do i have to compile RatOS from the source code ?
Releases ยท Rat-OS/RatOS
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - Rat-OS/RatOS
blacksmithforlifeโ€ข16mo ago
Correct, it is based on raspberry pi OS. Rat-OS is built using custompios
kilou77OPโ€ข16mo ago
Ok I'm gonna look into it but I don't know much about this ๐Ÿ˜…
blacksmithforlifeโ€ข16mo ago
Then it would be better to follow the recommended setup with a raspberry pi
kilou77OPโ€ข16mo ago
Nobody tried before, do you know if there are any leads ?
Oskaitโ€ข16mo ago
I wanted to use RatOS in a VM on Proxmox, after googleing for about an hour I found nothing of help and I decided to just go with a pi. I guess if your not a programmer you will not have a good time

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