ratOS Stuck in step1

I'm stuck in the step http://ratos.local/configure?step=1. The Raspi is connected to its own power supply, the octopus v1.1 is connected to the power supply, and there is a USB connection between the two boards. The firmware for the boards can be compiled and downloaded. Since the raspi and the octopus are connected to different power sources, the note from point 8 can be ignored. In point 9 you are supposed to check the board status, but nothing happens and I can't get to the next step. Where is my error?
2 Replies
gradual-turquoiseOP3y ago
I found the mistake, as I changed the usb-port-connettion on the raspi everything was working
miklschmidt3y ago
I should add an error if it's not detected after clicking that button.

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