RATOS won't let use wifi after configuration
Hi, I was using RatOS 2.0 Alpha5 and all was fine. I was able to connect my PI4 using wifi . after the update to the 2.0 the wifi doesn't connect anymore. Looking around I saw the suggestion to run the wizard configurator again (trough the eth or wifi hotspot) configure the wifi, disconnect the hotspot and, eventually, the eth and connect to the wifi address. Unfortunately the Ratos hotdspot is always there and don't let me use the wifi connection. Only the rj45 works. Please help.
27 Replies
did you re-flash the SD card with the latest ratos or did you click the update button while on alpha5?
sunny-greenOP•2y ago
Hi, I reflashed the SD because after the update from beta, there was a mess on the Ratos.
Does your wifi contain spaces or special characters for the name or password?
sunny-greenOP•2y ago
Hi, no. Just letters and numbers and a "-" like xx-xxxxxxxxx
I would ssh into your pi and make sure the SSID and password are correct in
the configurator hashes the password which is fine, but it should have the plaintext password commented out above it.
If the SSID and password are correct - I would look at your router and see what the logs say when you try to connectsunny-greenOP•2y ago
The wpa_supplicant.conf seems not configured.
if I run ifconfig the wlan0 is still on
like the configurator have done noting...
sorry, my bad
I was wrong, there is a configuration like you said, plain text for the ssid and a hashed password but a few lines under "supplied by ratos"
also the country is correctly set
then you need to check the logs to find out why the router doesn't like to connect
sunny-greenOP•2y ago
But I think is not the router that refuses the connection but it is the Ratos that is not even trying to connect. In fact, after the configuration, the access point wifi Ratos is still there
if I scan the available wifi connections
after the configuration, the access point wifi Ratos is still thereit only makes the hotspot if it can't connect to your wifi
sunny-greenOP•2y ago
Ok, I will check how to do that and I'll come back asap. Thank you so much
Hi, the only request from the pi4 to my router is this MLME Associate MAC xxxxxxx,net_id=4. nothing else
still monitoring
what does
sudo journalctl -u autohotspot.service
show?I just flashed, and it works fine. Did you flash with Balena Etcher?
sunny-greenOP•2y ago
Hi, no. I used raspberry pi imager
Apr 10 22:39:35 kigilo systemd[1]: Starting Automatically generates an internet Hotspot when a valid ssid is not in range...
Apr 10 22:39:35 kigilo autohotspotN[449]: command failed: Device or resource busy (-16)
Apr 10 22:39:35 kigilo autohotspotN[449]: Device Available Check try 0
Apr 10 22:39:35 kigilo autohotspotN[449]: Device unavailable checking again, try 0
Apr 10 22:39:38 kigilo autohotspotN[449]: command failed: Device or resource busy (-16)
Apr 10 22:39:38 kigilo autohotspotN[449]: Device Available Check try 1
Apr 10 22:39:38 kigilo autohotspotN[449]: Device unavailable checking again, try 1
Apr 10 22:39:39 kigilo autohotspotN[449]: command failed: Resource temporarily unavailable (-11)
Apr 10 22:39:40 kigilo autohotspotN[449]: Device Available Check try 2
Apr 10 22:39:40 kigilo autohotspotN[449]: Device Available, checking SSid Results
Apr 10 22:39:40 kigilo autohotspotN[449]: No SSid found, assessing WiFi status
Apr 10 22:39:40 kigilo autohotspotN[449]: No SSid found, assessing WiFi status
Apr 10 22:39:40 kigilo autohotspotN[449]: No SSid found, assessing WiFi status
Apr 10 22:39:40 kigilo autohotspotN[449]: No SSid found, assessing WiFi status
Apr 10 22:39:41 kigilo autohotspotN[449]: Cleaning wifi files and Activating Hotspot
Apr 10 22:39:42 kigilo autohotspotN[449]: Autohotspot by RaspberryConnect.com
Apr 10 22:39:42 kigilo autohotspotN[449]: Creating Hotspot
Apr 10 22:39:42 kigilo dhcpcd[868]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process
Apr 10 22:39:42 kigilo autohotspotN[872]: iptables v1.8.7 (nf_tables): no command specified
Apr 10 22:39:43 kigilo systemd[1]: Finished Automatically generates an internet Hotspot when a valid ssid is not in range.
This is weird because the ssid is set from the list that the configurator gives me .
How far away is your router? How old is the router?
sunny-greenOP•2y ago
5 m, my house is small
maybe it is getting confused since both the 2.4 and 5 Ghz are named the same
sunny-greenOP•2y ago
I don't know. With the RatOS 2 beta the wifi was fine
as far as wifi goes nothing has changed in the software since then
sunny-greenOP•2y ago
I will buy a new sd and I will flash it with the image. It is the only thing that I can think about..
That's the problem. Please use balena etcher.
Raspberry Pi Imager screws over the wpa-supplicant.
That's why the docs tells you to use Balena Etcher. It's not there just for fun 😄
for what its worth I have always used raspberry pi imager and my wifi works fine
If you enter anything in the wifi settings it'll break it
but yes - use balena etcher and don't be a punk like me
sunny-greenOP•2y ago
Hi . The new sd has arrived. Flashed with balena and all works!!
the best part is: I reflashed with pi imager and works. Re-flashed the old sd with balena and it didn't work.
The most interesting fact is that I used the non-working sd on a PI 3B and all works. How the hell it is possible?
I destroyed the "faulty" sd anyway, but it makes no sense!
You got lucky. There are faulty sectors on that SD card, and sometimes you're lucky and the imager won't write files there.
i would expect balena to catch that and complain though
sunny-greenOP•2y ago
Thank to all for the help
please start your own post