8 Replies
I loosened my x axis screws on the linear rail and retighten them giving this, still not great is it? Not sure whats changed as everything was fine before i blew a 5160 drive, replaced both x,y stepper drivers and since then been like this

1e3 means binding usually. Check your belt path
Thanks will have a look
Could a slightly worn belt cause something similar to this too? I fixed a few issues that was causing the belt to move but still get similar graphs, tweaking sometimes slightly improves and it can also make it worse
Well when did you get this belt? Is it Gates?
Images of the wear?
How does you ADXL mount lok as well
Its a genuine gates belt and pretty new. Everything was working perfectly until i had a tmc5160 fail, I'm unsure what was changed whilst waiting for the new one to arrived but things were tweaked whilst waiting. Today i replaced the 5mm rods, and the couplers holding these to the steppers to ridged coupler's and messed with all different types of tensions.
I don't have a picture of wear unfortunately, the ridges on the belt were somewhat discoloured and was belt dust accumulated in the corner of where the back bearing stack sits which i do have a picture of.
Everything looks nice and how it should be but i cant stop the belt tracking up and down on the back left motor, viewed from the front. This was the one that had the wear.
My ADXL mount hasn't be touch or moved from when everything was working and i also sadly don't have graphs from then either 😦

the only thing that i can change left is the belt
using tmc5160 pros at 48v
lightwieght x rail and linear rail