Any Idea?

Command {generate_belt_tension_graph} timed out
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3 Replies
miklschmidt•2y ago
There's currently a 90 second timeout, which has been plenty for everyone so far, not sure why it's so slow for you? What pi? Try this:
[gcode_shell_command generate_belt_tension_graph]
timeout: 180.
[gcode_shell_command generate_belt_tension_graph]
timeout: 180.
in user overrides (as always)
harsh-harlequinOP•2y ago
Thanks! The issue was different. I head the measurement running on all positions for 300 400 and 500 build size. That caused long running calculations. My fault.
miklschmidt•2y ago
Ah yeah that'll happen if you uncomment all the lines under the resonance tester section 😄 Aight i'll close this 🙂

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