extrusion issues
Finishing up my 500mm machine, toolhead is an orbiter 2, and rapido 2F.
I used the rotation distance provided by LDO for the orbiter, and checking it seems accurate. My problem is with possible over extrusion. I have a pretty basic orca slicer profile, did not touch much other than setting the nozzle to 0.6mm (and 0.6 in klipper).
The brim is flawless, absolutely perfect, but the first layer of the actual model seems over extruded. Any thoughts?

14 Replies
I printed a calibration cube and it measures dead on 20x20x20
Looks like over extrusion but odd that it's fine for the brim
yeah, brim is fine, after 2-3 layers the top skin looks perfectly normal too
I am trying to see if there is any flow rate specific for first layer in orca but cant find it
Found it, it's still set to 1.0
Skip the brim and adjust offset so the first layer works right?
Offset as in Z offset, or flow?
Z offset, sorry
Have you tried heat soaking it? I have to heat soak my vc3-500 for 45-60 minutes before printing. Do a search for heat soak, I’m not great at explaining.
I haven't, I'll try that too
Did you find a solution?
I did z tilt, re leveled the bed
Also was not using the bed heater since I was testing parts step by step after the build
Seems to be ok now
New filament seems to have the same issue

This filament is very runny and ooz-y. I'm printing 0.3mm layers with 0.2mm first layer.
Adjust first layer height to 0.3mm, line width to 0.75 (0.6mm nozzle) and this seems to work well for this filament

May have been print setting related. I tried to keep the settings 1:1 of what I use on my K1 with this same filament but it did not want to play nice