RatOS on SKR Mini
Hey guys, I'm trying to get my Ender 3 to think it's a V-Minion. Following someone's instructions here a while back, I got an SKR mini board for the ender 3 and have installed it. However, I don't see the SKR mini on the list of accepted boards. I assume this is, of course, because it's not supported but I wanted to double check before I give up on RatOS. @miklschmidt @blacksmithforlife you guys know anything about it?
2 Replies
unwilling-turquoiseOP•3y ago
That's the error I'm getting when I follow the connection FAQ
Found I was using the wrong board in printer.cfg. Found the correct board but now have:
pin y_uart_pin is an alias for x_uart_pin
ok see the quirks file thing
... and we're mostly good actually. I think there's one last issue, that's my toolhead cooling fan not being connected, and the Y being reversed, but I can fix both of those I think.
So we can probably close this
Seems like you figured it out 🙂