Hotend Fan Speed
Is it possible to change the Hotend Fan Speed via command line?
I know this is not generally done but would like to reduce speed for a few seconds which doing a probe with the PZ Probe from E3D. My fan seems to cause a little disturbance from time to time when doing a mesh
7 Replies
Are you talking about the fan that is cooling the hotend and prevents heat creep?
Dont was to totally switch off, but reduce speed to 50% while doing the mesh
Think the resonance of the motor affects the Probing as when I dont have the fan connected, the probing works 100%
There's not a way to do that via gcode
nozzle temp is in anycase only at 150 while doing the mesh
The firmware sets it and it stays at the set amount
ok, thought so, google could not find my answer.... So had to ask
I set the max power down and did a test and this worked, but cannot run at this low speed during the print