Adding more stepper motors

I need two more steppers than my octopus pro 446 provides. I have an skr mini e3 v3 from a project that never happened. Is there any issues with using that as an extra mcu and use it's stepper ports? I ask this before I drill holes in my electronics panel and mount it. Thanks!
10 Replies
miklschmidt16mo ago
Not at all! You just have to define the mcu, stepper and driver sections yourself. You can't use the default RatOS board config (it will override the octopus config). So, flash it with the configurator but don't load the board config, and you're good to go. RatOS will still flash it automatically 🙂
[mcu skrmini]
serial: /dev/btt-skr-mini-e3-30
[mcu skrmini]
serial: /dev/btt-skr-mini-e3-30
will do for the mcu section
billydOP16mo ago
Thanks so much!! How do I reference the pins? Do I have to make aliases? I'd like to just put something like e.g., step_pin: skrmini:PB13 but that generates an error. Says I need to use the chip name, but don't know what it is.
miklschmidt16mo ago
skrmini:PA0 for example The chipname is whatever you wrote in your mcu section if you wrote
[mcu skrmini]
[mcu skrmini]
it would be indeed be skrmini:PB13
billydOP16mo ago
Ok maybe I have things out of order in my printer.cfg
miklschmidt16mo ago
mcu section first, then everything else. even though it should work regardless
billydOP16mo ago
Ok I know I'm on the right track, probably just did something stupid let me look awhile. I put the inversion (!) directly in front of the pin name, but it has to go at the beginning. All working now
miklschmidt16mo ago
billydOP16mo ago
Forgot to mention odd problem I am having. The raspberry pi won't boot when the skrmini is connected via usb. I have to power on with the skrmini usb disconnected and plug it in after the pi boots, and then a firmware reboot and all works until I turn it off.
billydOP16mo ago
Thanks! Funny thing is I was going to need to add a hub anyway when the beacon's get back in stock. So that seems like the solution.

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