Manta m8p cb1 no wifi, ethernet or usb wifi connection.

Hi there. I asked this in the btt section but they said I should ask here. I was printing fine a few days ago. I did have to power off my printer due to electrical work in the garage. Since turning it back on, I can no longer connect to the wifi. Initially, I was able to Ssh into it with putty but not gain access to the web UI with ratos. However today I can't do anything. My router seems to pick up the printer connecting to wifi but it just turns off after a few minutes. I have the cb1 v2.2. I used the firmware which was on the btt github and haven't updated it manually since. I assume the RatOS updates the firmware? I did update everything a week ago but the printer was never powered off. I don't know if the boards firmware got updated along with that. I updated the system.cfg wifi to my router rather than my wifi extender. I also updated the rat os WPA supp txt file to the same wifi. Just to get off my extender to eliminate problems. Any help would be appreciated. I really need the printer this weekend. I'm pulling my hair out over this. Thanks.
21 Replies
MARCOP2y ago
Just an update. I purchased a cb1 2.2 yesterday. It just arrived. Same problem. No connection via wifi, ethernet or usb wifi dongle. It will initially connect for a few seconds then disconnect.
MARCOP2y ago
Ratos is connected to the wifi. However I cannot Ssh into it or use the web interface. Sorry for the photos rather than screenshot. I don't have discord on my laptop.
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miklschmidt2y ago
You prolly killed the filesystem. Remember to properly shut down the host before removing power. Try a new SD card. If that works, it’s the filesystem.
MARCOP2y ago
Just tried a new sd card, still nothing. I've made sure I'm connecting to a 2.4ghz network. I've also now tried different security protocalls and even no password.
so you burned RatOS to a new SD card, inserted it into the Manta (making sure to put it in the slot for the CB1 and not the MCU right?). Then you powered it up and waited a few minutes for Rat-OS wifi to appear?
MARCOP2y ago
The ratos wifi appears for only a few seconds then disappears.
miklschmidt2y ago
Yeah this seems to be a random issue on CB1 sometimes. Try ethernet.
MARCOP2y ago
I've just tried another wifi antenna. Same problem. If I plug in my original sd card, it connects to the wifi. I see it in my router. Then a few seconds later it disappears. If I plug in a freshly formatted sd card with the rat os burned to it, rat os appears for a few seconds and dissapears. Ethernet has never worked for me. That was the first thing I tried when I struggled with wifi. My phone can connect to the ratos fast enough to allow me to see the config page but again, I lose the connection.
ethernet should work just fine. If that isn't working something is very wrong
MARCOP2y ago
When I plug the ethernet straight to my laptop, I can get the ip address from the cmd prompt. However, if I use the ratos.local/configure link or the ip link, I just get the same error. This is happening with both of my cb1 boards. Both are v2.2. I really hope it isn't the mcu board itself. Right so, if I power on the printer with the fresh sd card and rat os. If I leave it alone I can see the wifi on all my devices. As soon as I connect to it, I've got a few seconds before it turns off.
so for example? What about if you just go to the IP address instead?
MARCOP2y ago
I just get "this site can't be reached" "took to long to respond" Just an update. It must be a dodgy sd card slot. If I push the sd card in and put pressure on it, everything seems to work fine. If I push it in normally it doesn't seem to work. Well it does but, I get the wifi issues. This fix only seems to work with the fresh sd card with ratos. @miklschmidt was right. I must have ruined the file system either by user error or when I removed the sd card in the past, I might have been lucky with it working. For now I have a cable tie around the board. Thanks for all your help! I also have another question. I can still see files on the original sd card. Is it possible to get the original cfg files and gcode files from it? I have some stuff there I really don't want to lose.
As long as you can see the original file you should be able to copy it. But if the filesystem is messed up, no telling if the file won't have issues. Be sure to back up anything that is important
MARCOP2y ago
When I plug the sd card in, I can see 2 partitions. Boot and another one I can't access. The boot one has a gcode folder but it's empty. It's exactly the same as the fresh sd card. I can't seem to find any cfg files or anything.
You can't mount a non NTFS filesystem on windows. You will need a linux distro to read it
miklschmidt2y ago
As blacksmithforlife said you'd need a linux system to read the actual filesystem (it's ext4), the boot partition isn't particularly interesting for recovery purposes. There are some tools to read ext4 fs on windows, but i haven't tried any of them personally
miklschmidt2y ago
Download Ext2Read for free. Ext2Read is an explorer like utility to explore ext2/ext3/ext4 files. It now supports LVM2 and EXT4 extents.
miklschmidt2y ago
You might be able to use WSL to do it too, not sure
MARCOP2y ago
Thanks for the help. I have a spare raspberry pi set up with an os. I'll end up using that when I get the time!
rival-black2y ago
Same issue for M4P/CB1
please start your own post

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