RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by MARC on 2/12/2024 in #fix-my-print
Eclipson airplanes helix printing issues.
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by MARC on 1/12/2024 in #fix-my-print
OVERTURE LW-PLA issues after seam.
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by MARC on 11/24/2023 in #fix-my-printer
Z1 stepper overtemp error.
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by MARC on 9/18/2023 in #fix-my-printer
Struggling with Rapido (v1). Not extruding unless temps are stupidly high.
Hi there. Just a quick question regarding the Rapido (v1). I'm on my second rapido and it has been working well (500 hours). I'm starting to struggle to push filament through it. I removed the filament and the nozzle. Looked through it and everything is clear. Filament can be pushed through it quite easily, no rubbing against the metal tube etc. I fitted a brand new bondtech cht nozzle and I've put on a new roll of PETG filament. Freshly opened. When I heat everything up, my normal temp on this filament is 245c. I can easily push 25mm3/s with this filament. It's my standard volumetic speed for a good quality print. However, for the past few days I cannot for the life of me get more than 10mm3/s out of it. Regardless of filament. I need to put the temp up to at least 260. Same with PLA. Cannot push pla through the nozzle at 240c. I replaced my orbiter and extruder to a brand new one. Same issue. I've tried replacing the small tube between the extruder and the hotend. Made sure it is a clean cut. Made sure filament can flow through the tube and into the hot end with no friction. But still, cannot push more than 10mm3/s. If I heat the extruder up and extrude 100mm of filament at 4mm/s, all I get is the extruder skipping. I have double checked the nozzle temp. I have 2 temp guns. Both are reading the nozzle is what I expect it to be. 3 things scream out to me. The filament isn't getting heated pre nozzle. It's like it's still cold until it hits the nozzle. Maybe I've accidentally stripped the thread for the nozzle and the nozzle doesn't sit straight? It looks and feels fine to me. The new nozzle actually screwed on pretty freely by hand. Hot tightening didn't feel any different to other times. Possible software issue where the maximum volumetric flow rate in super slicer isn't working? I'm using the latest main release that isn't a beta. Any help would be appreciated! I hate that my standard revo is putting out more flow than my rapido 😦
3 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by MARC on 8/5/2023 in #fix-my-printer
Adaptive mesh difficulties with multiple models
Hi there. I'm starting to have difficulties with printing multiple models using adaptive mesh. When my printer starts the first layer on the first model ,everything is perfect. The zoffset doesn't need adjusted, first layer sticks extremely well to the bed. It's all good. But when It moves over to print the first layer of the second model, the first layer will not stick to the bed. The weird part is, if i set my slicer to print the second model first and the original first one second, it does the exact same thing. The first model (the one that failed the first time) prints a prefect first layer and the second one (the one that printed perfectly the first time) does not stick to the bed. Could this be a problem with the adaptive mesh or could it be a slicer problem? I have been using the same superslicer version and profile since I got the printer. This problem has only appeared since I had to reinstall ratOS. Thanks.
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by MARC on 7/8/2023 in #ratos-support
Manta m8p cb1 no wifi, ethernet or usb wifi connection.
Hi there. I asked this in the btt section but they said I should ask here. I was printing fine a few days ago. I did have to power off my printer due to electrical work in the garage. Since turning it back on, I can no longer connect to the wifi. Initially, I was able to Ssh into it with putty but not gain access to the web UI with ratos. However today I can't do anything. My router seems to pick up the printer connecting to wifi but it just turns off after a few minutes. I have the cb1 v2.2. I used the firmware which was on the btt github and haven't updated it manually since. I assume the RatOS updates the firmware? I did update everything a week ago but the printer was never powered off. I don't know if the boards firmware got updated along with that. I updated the system.cfg wifi to my router rather than my wifi extender. I also updated the rat os WPA supp txt file to the same wifi. Just to get off my extender to eliminate problems. Any help would be appreciated. I really need the printer this weekend. I'm pulling my hair out over this. Thanks.
27 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by MARC on 6/10/2023 in #fix-my-printer
Updated everything. Now none of my usbs work
I've held off updating stuff since my printer was working well in the software/firmware department. I have no projects to do and all my stuff for work is finished. I decided to update everything. I don't know what version I was on before or any of the components. I just selected update all in the web UI and left it alone. Everything updated great. No errors, everything seemed good until I noticed my usb ports on my manta m8p are not working. I currently can't use my adxl or my Webcams. My printer works fine though. Just I can't see what I'm printing. When my usb Webcams are plugged in, green lights come on. I get nothing. Even if I plug in a usb led light (used for testing usb power), I get nothing. There is no power at all coming from my usbs. The Webcams worked fine before updating everything. I printed something this morning and I was able to see it. Any help would be appreciated. It's a v1.1 manta m8p board with a cb1. Wifi works fine. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
8 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by MARC on 6/3/2023 in #fix-my-printer
Belt grabber/adjuster broke. Replaced the adjuster but I have a new noise now.
So while printing, I noticed a layer shift so I stopped printing and inspected. It turns out the belt slipped out the adjuster. I removed the adjuster but in the process of putting the belt back in, I broke it. I printed a new one on my other printer but now after retensioning the belts, I'm getting a noise coming from the gantry. It sounds like the teeth of the belt are hitting something but I can't see what. I've tried loosening the belts but the noise is still there. I've tried loosening the bearing stacks but the noise is still there. If I pinch the front/top belt against the gantry the noise goes away. This problem only came up after replacing the belt adjuster. It has been printing fine up until now with no noises.
6 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by MARC on 5/10/2023 in #fix-my-print
Z banding on abs only.
Hi there. Right now I'm trying to print off parts to change my voron0 to a F-Zero. I've noticed that I get some z banding that starts around holes or other features. I looked around my printer, made sure my lead screws are clean. They look all good but I noticed 2 of my else screw stabilizers (black parts at the top with the bearing) are broken. So I switched my printer over to print petg and started printing. I never got any z banding while printing these. Could it be the part I'm trying to print? My printer is an unsealed enclosure. It's enough to keep the are warm and keep drafts out but it isn't heated. It gets to around 25c at its hottest, running abs for 12 hours. Any help would be appreciated. I can live with the minor asthetic issues but I would like to improve. Once I've printed these parts, my vcore won't print abs again. Abs print speed is slow. I've got it set to 100mm/s on external perimeters. Maximum print speed (infill) is around 180mm/s. Width is the nozzle side, 0.4 everywhere. The part printed had 6 walls (the github page recommends this). I run 8k acceleration while printing abs with a max velocity of 300. Thanks. Marc.
2 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by MARC on 5/8/2023 in #fix-my-printer
Racking issue on xy.
Hi there. After removing my printer from my garage to fix a hot end issue. After fixing it, i decided to give the printer a quick clean and service before it goes back in the hole. I've noticed my xy gantry has developed a racking issue. I cannot get it square again. Regardless of belt tension, the left side (looking at it from the front) will always hit the front of the printer first before the right. I removed the belts and adjusted it accordingly. As soon as I start tightening the belt, the gantry shifts. There is no tension behind the belt. It has about 5cm of movement. Any pressure on the gantry and it goes off square. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Marc.
4 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by MARC on 4/7/2023 in #fix-my-resonance
Trying to understand the graphs. Vcore 3.1 300
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by MARC on 3/26/2023 in #fix-my-printer
"Unable to read Tmc uart" stepper_z1"
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