First Layer Problems

Hey, having Problems with the 1 Layer (PLA)(0.6Nozzle). -E-Steps are OK -Temp tried from 190 to 220 -Speed from 50 to 150mm/s -Nozzle is not blocked -Filament moves smoothly in the ptfe tube - Bed Mesh is 0.105 on 300x300 -tried moving nozzle bed really close to really far (less than a 80g standard sheet of paper to so far away that filament isnt sticking anymore to the bed) -flowrate from 94 to 100% - it looks like 95% is the sweetspot for this filament (amazon giantarm filament - i will avoid this brand in future because some colours are very brittle) so anyone has and idea whats causing this? Layer 2 and upwards are printing really good, no such defects as on the first layer. i have to try it with another filament the next days
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7 Replies
chrizzOP13mo ago
Top Layer, the lightning makes it look way worse, but when scratching with the nail its pretty smooth ( exept the infill overlap is alittel too much)
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TheTik13mo ago
whats the problem with it?
chrizzOP13mo ago
the underextrusion and short pats without filament
TheTik13mo ago
ah. Really hard to see in the first photo. As the other layers are fine, maybe its something like not sticking to the plate, then suddenly gripping fine? Curious what happens if you clean the plate and use a different filament
3DBoomer13mo ago
IMHO, could be a flowrate issue. Have you tried filament flow calibration ?
JaminCollins13mo ago
Looks like either flow rate or first layer squish to me. How have you tuned your first layer so far? Personally, I use the attached model. Ensure you set your infill to 0 degrees so the path looks like the screenshot when sliced. While it is printing you can baby step your z offset to find just the right amount of first layer squish. More details here:
Stress Free First Layer calibration in less than 5 Minutes to perfe...
First layer the base of everything. No proper Z layer no proper print ever.Solving the terrifying mystery of Z layer. | Download free 3D printable STL models
Try to use isopropil alcohol to clean the surface, print first layer at 50 or 55 and dont print first layer under 215 to see if it works

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