RatOS Keeps Corrupting During Commissioning
I have a Vcore 4 Idex 500, with a Pi 4 and the Waveshare USB hub setup like the instructions. I can't get through the commissioning steps without RatOS corrupting, and I have to start over. The best example of the problem was when I tried to print the Skew calibration print after a perfect first layer test, the nozzle dug a line into the print bed, I lost the mainsail interface so I couldn't stop it here and had to pull the power. After that, the wifi connection never comes back. I've tried three SD cards and two Pi 4 and all have crashed and corrupted at some point along the commissioning steps. I am in the process of trying again with a powered USB hub and an independently powered Pi to see if it is a power problem. Has anyone else ever had issues like this?
3 Replies
How are you burning the image to the card?
I'm using Rufus
the image I am using is 2024-07-27-RatOS-2.1.0-RC2-raspberry-rpi32.img.xz
Then I setup the wifi and update everything before installing the pi back into the printer
sounds right