[VC4 400] Pattern on the wall
Hey, been printing PLA for a few hours and it’s mostly successful, but I have some weird banding on the outer perimeter. Looks like layers are stacked inconsistently? I tried using outer-inner-outer but it didn’t help

12 Replies

How is your set of the pressure advance? For me works good 0.025 and smooth 0.03 from orbiter website. Second check if the browden tubes are not causeing too much friction.
This print was done on 0.025
The PTFE tubes for sure are not causing any friction because they are free to move; I don’t use RR’s spool holder
Have you tried different filament? jus a stupid question...Which temperature you put? I use for pla 220C so far so good.
I did temperature tower on this one and had best results at 205C
Did you played with orbiter tensioner?
Hm, you think it’s too loose?
one of them...guess worth to try?
check as well if your z axis don't play
@Cruz could this issue be connected with the one I had during the assembly? https://discord.com/channels/582187371529764864/1223286652949106748/1256655137439612990 should I send a support ticket?
Same banding on a different filament. My temperature graph looks good, I’m gonna retune my PID anyway

the best action is to email support and send the video
Try to print cylinder in vase mode .. This should help you to see if you have z banding or it's extrusion/PA tuning related