Changing from USB to GPIO

hi quick question: RPi is currently connected to board (Octopus 1.1 if relevant) via USB. If I want to change that to GPIO, am I able to make the changes in RatOS/mainsail/moonraker, create new firmware in RatOS and then flash the board? Or do I have to do the configurations in kiauh and create new moonraker/mainsail/klipper install? Sorry if this is not the correct thread but it's a blend of hardware, software, klipper, ratos and maybe other topics 🙂
5 Replies
FerfiOP•2y ago
Additional question solving the same problem: I suppose I cannot somehow tell crow's nest to detect USB camera that is connected to board USB instead of RPi usb...
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
You will lose auto flashing of your MCU if you don't use USB connection from PI
miklschmidt•2y ago
You will also have to look up the serial etc. What does "board usb" mean? You can't connect a webcam to your octopus is that what you mean
FerfiOP•2y ago
Yep, that's what I meant. I was almost sure I cannot but I wanted to make sure.
miklschmidt•2y ago
Also i would be very careful with Kiauh, you can fuck up your installation in unrecoverable ways with it. Basically you'd have to go through make menuconfig and all that, like on a regular setup, if you want to use UART. I don't recommend it.

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