Setup Skrat No Power light
Hey i try to Install the skrat on my Ender 3 v2 neo.
Well i have plugged everything in it does start and have some Power because the Power LED and the Status Led flash Up shortly.
But after that i Just have a blue Led near the Fan ports on.
Current idear:
Something is wrong that the Board Go in protection Mode and Cut Power but i dont really find the cause of it.
Any idears are appreciated
14 Replies
genetic-orangeOP•15mo ago
Or is this a btt only issue?
post a photo of the board with just VIN connected
genetic-orangeOP•15mo ago
Oh hey thank you for you answer.
I found Out that its aactually a protection from the Board.
Looks Like the CR Touch is connected wrongly.
IT did Boot Up but i need to compare the CR Touch Pin Out with the Board Pin Out because i used the bl Touch pinout that we're provided in the docs
ah that usually means you have bridged signal to vin
genetic-orangeOP•15mo ago
Something like this defenetly but i sewrched online for a good Pin Out of the CR Touch on how to Connect.
Currently i Had No luck.
IT could be one of the simple soldering Points that didnt worked so i ordered a crimping Tool now.
But that still doesnt Help with the pinout of the crtouch
No clue how i Connect IT the right way
Small Update.
All soldering Points are good.
Means Something is wrong with the Order of the cables
Means i need to get a good CR Touch pinout or find a more Common Board with the Same pinout than the skrat so i May get some Help from a Reddit Post or so
The BLTouch header is the same order on all BTT boards including the SKRat.
However the SKRat does not have a bltouch header.
So, i'm not sure how you're connecting it. There's no "standard" way.
genetic-orangeOP•15mo ago
There is actually.
The normal bl Touch have 2 cables that would fit the skrat.
I had a skr Mini and it have have a crtouch Port (AS far AS i know you even need to modify the bltouch Pins to use IT in the skr Mini v3.)
But i used the normal CR Touch Order and Backward and IT didnt Boot.
So that a Bit weird but i try it again later
The normal bl Touch have 2 cables that would fit the skrat.It's not that simple. None of the SKRat JST's are made with the bltouch pinout in mind. It's not weird at all. You need to 2 gpio's on the bltouch/crtouch (sensor and control) The rest is 5v and 2x gnd. You can fashion jst's for that. But you can't just plug random wires in random headers and expect it to work In short, you need the pinout of the ports you intend to use on the SKRat, and the pinout of the CR Touch. Then match the pins in your cable. after having powered it up once with the wrong connections, there's a risk you damaged either the board or the CR touch.
genetic-orangeOP•15mo ago
I say that the crtouch pinout is wierd.
I didnt connected them randomly too.
I tried the bltouch pinout provided by the Docs.
None other.
The Board does Boot normally when the CR Touch isnt connected
Jeah exactly.
Problem is that the color sheme between CR and bl Touch is different.
There is No clear pinout for the crtouch (atleast None that i found)
Now im kinda confused which Pin/cable Go where because the bltouch pinout dont work
genetic-orangeOP•15mo ago
Thats the Problem rn
Total Chaos between CR and bl touch
God, those colors defy all logic..
Well, according to the Creality board it seems that:
White -> GND
Black -> 5V
Yellow -> Sensor
Red -> GND
Blue -> Control
Basically they live in upside down land.
genetic-orangeOP•15mo ago
Okayy thanks.
Going to Test that tomorrow when the crimping Set arrive.
About the CR Touch If i actually Fried it, would IT be simpler to get a new one or should i get a different product.
Like what Kind of Sensor was in mind while Design this Board?
I would definitely get a different product, if you're running klipper, using a spring steel flex plate, and you can adapt your toolhead design i'd recommend Beacon 🙂
Superpinda primarily.
Superpinda is an inductive probe with built in temperature compensation.
genetic-orangeOP•15mo ago
Okay thanks for the Info.
Gonna Look Into that Sounds really interesting i Hope that everything works correctly tomorrow when i Put the jst Things on the cables
Not Sure If comoletly understood IT now but it should be the Same color Order but upside down. (Somehow pE5 and 6 seems to Mixed Up im the pinout of the Board vs the provided CR Touch pinout If i Put IT in there in order, but idk really... A Bit tired of this CR Touch cable chaos) Just going to try it tomorrow If IT Work IT Work If Not ITS broken
Finally the Tools arrived
@miklschmidt big thanks to you i crimped the cables (Not AS easy AS expected) and i now get the Power LED.
Going to Test everything Else tomorrow If something IS damage but i atleast now have a Board that Boots normally