Printer going totally wrong while Z-Tilt

Hey Guys, I set up my Vcore 3.1 500 englosed from stock, as I got some problems beforehand. I used RatOs 2.1, followed the instructions to first update everything (so its on RC3 now), did the setup wizard, added a few small things from my previous setups (nothing thats connected to the motion systems, just light, the command for the fan and a additional temperatur probe). I did the beacon_calibrate and just wanted to start my first print so far and X/Y/Z-Homing was totally fine, but as soon as it started the z-tilt the whole motion of the extruder was completely off and also making noices I never heared from a printer before! I'll attatch a video from what I was able to catch before I had to emergency-exit it. It's a Vcore 3.1 500 with stock drivers, stock stepper motors and using the "normal" configuration even if it has two additional 40mm noctua coolers on top of the stepper drivers. Any ideas how this could happen and how to fix it?
8 Replies
blacksmithforlifeβ€’5mo ago
well judging from it moving to the wrong points, I would say you don't have the motors setup correctly. Either defined wrong, or plugged into the wrong ports. You can clearly hear it hit the front of the machine as well which tells me your endstop positions are wrong as well (either physically wrong, or not updated in the config)
TheTikβ€’5mo ago
Where is that X Y graphic with the different directions and how to fix it? I gotta bookmark that stupid thing @blacksmithforlife πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ I think that'll be the ticket to getting the motors moving correctly. The printer.cfg and ratos.cfg look .. fine? I don't have a lot of experience looking at the 2.1 cfgs yet
TheTikβ€’5mo ago
thats the one bookmarked it this time πŸ˜„
azoroesOPβ€’5mo ago
I'm pretty sure that's okay as homing works 100%, so x goes to the left till the sensor gets activated, then it's going back into middle position, same with y, going backwards till it hits the endstop and then going back into the middle of the bed. Z rises till it's sensed by the beacon and then goes back so it's about one cm from the nozzle. But as soon as I try z-tilt (where it should go front left, middle back front right) it does what you can see in the video
TheTikβ€’5mo ago
oh, that video was just z-tilt? I thought it was the homing procedure. Lemme think then Can you share your RatOS/printer/v-core-3/500.cfg file? Also, if you try moving the printhead around using the Toolhead interface, does it move like you expect?
azoroesOPβ€’5mo ago
Okay, went on it again and updated ratos as also os-packages, after this and a restart from my side the printer acted normal, only thing I had to change was the direction of the extruder but shouldn't have caused the problems. I'll keep you up to date if he is printing normal again or if something is happening
TheTikβ€’5mo ago
Glad to hear its running better πŸ™‚

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