IDEX and T0 T1 not matching print coordinates (x shift)
Hello, I'm trying to get IDEX fully working and have some slight trouble having both toohead well calibrated. When printing I have a slight offset as you can wee in picture below.
I have calibrated VAOC 3-4 times with well centered nozzle and it happens at every print.
44 Replies
There's been a few fixes pushed just an hour ago related to skew correction, update and try again and see if that did anything.
I did update just before print, 15min ago I'd say
Okay, and the alignment in VAOC looks fine, but the print doesn't?
well, the in the top row, the squares are not touching, and in the row below the squares are a bit superposed
That is indeed a little strange.
well i could force some x shift in the variables but with VAOC fully centered it's not supposed to happen
@spoown try and disable skew correction
actually it looks like you're not using the skew correction you've calculated, try enabling it instead 😄
that's what I was looking... in the saved config.cfg I got

yeah so:
Will load it
or "my_skew_profile", they seem to be identical.
for skew calibration with IDEX it's anything related to ?
That's how you calibrate skew
alternatively you can use something like Vector3D's califlower
but one with each toolhead?
No just one toolhead
will try and post results after, thanks
From what i can tell from your pic, you have a tiny gap on the first 2 squares and a tiny overlap on the bottom 2. So it might not actually be skew related (ie. it looks like the offset between T0 and T1 is consistent). You might want to try calibrating VAOC after heatsoaking the printer.
It's difficult to tell without a high resolution straight top down view.
SET_SKEW XY=141.75,141.71,100.05 loaded, heatsoaked bed and now printing again squares test after a fresh homing and VAOC calibration

Same results, you can see on the skirts too
this time the pic is better quality
Indeed, looks misaligned (unrelated to skew). @Helge Keck any idea?
gantry alignment and/or unequal or wrong belt tension
i highly suggest to. update ratos since we added skew correction support
judt in case user is using it

that's the last I done, it ended at 70Hz by demand
this doesnt mkean anything
they can be even but still too loose
I did before the prints..
gantry alignment
skew correction
also, could be the y belts, not thex or dc one
for the gantry I can put the Y at endstop and check spacing from the front exstrusion on left and right side right?
align the gantry in the back of the printer, not in the front
align it against the motor plates, thius is metall on metall, you can achieve a much higher precision by doing it
well, it's touching both metal plates perfectly
here you go
I can turn half more tension on both X1 X2 belts
you just need to try it multiple times, its just a light alignment or belt error
i cant tell you more
i know the effect, i had it by my own
do we have a variable to correct that gap manually ?
you can also try a skew correction
I did...
SET_SKEW XY=141.75,141.71,100.05
I'm trying now printing with half turn more tension on X belts...
im sorry that i cant tell you more, but thats the way to fix it
either x, dc or one of the y belts, or gantry misalignment
np Helge... It's a consistent gap, I would like to compensate it manually...
well, yiu can do that with vaoc
where? the variables are reseting after VAOC calibration
no, just move the T1 nozzle slightly out of center
50% to guess the right side
but this is only a band aid and will fix it most likely only for the middle of the build plate
try it
I'll try a fresh new one with more tension then this band aid. Thanks for inputs

@Helge Keck well it worked only with band aid 😅 had T0 VAOC camera almost 0.2mm to the right side on the nozzle, and VAOC centered on T1 results: