Strange Stringing on outside of print.

Hey people, I am trying to print a few inserts for a box game and even though I dried my Petg and did a PA tune I somehow get this kind of string on the outside and inside of the print. It was a single-part-print. Cheers
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13 Replies
rising-crimson2y ago
Do these strings correlate with the travel of the nozzle? I had a smiliar problem with my Dragon HF, which was oozing What fixed it was increasing the travel speed You can check the travel in SS
McNikOP2y ago
Will give it a try stringing (whisping) has lessened, but the bigger strings remain
rising-crimson2y ago
Do they still correlate with the travel path?
McNikOP2y ago
no I watched the print for quite a while and it seem to originate from z hops how can I reduce that? more retract?
rising-crimson2y ago
Maybe, or increase retract speed if your printer allows for it Or deactivate zhop
McNikOP2y ago
nah that wont do I think I fixed it The models I am printing have a shitty wallthickness so SS tries to print all the perimeters etc and while doing so includes MANY travel moves. So I set a height modifier for the walls to basically have just one perimeter for the inside and outside. Adding a better seam alignement eliminates 99% of the travel moves.
McNikOP2y ago
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McNikOP2y ago
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McNikOP2y ago
@Deleted User
rising-crimson2y ago
Nice, but quite some ringing? Or is it just a bad angle?
McNikOP2y ago
Bad angle and a 0.6mm nozzle
McNikOP2y ago
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McNikOP2y ago
you can even see it in the slicer Arachne enigne making the extrusion wonky with these walls

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