Non consistent infill
What can be the explanation for these gaps in the infill?
Sliced with SuperSlicer. Infill speed was 225, perimeters 160. Slowed it all down to 80%, making infill 175 and perimeters 130, to see if it cleared up, but it didn’t , even though the initial perimeter speed is about the same.
Flow on the infill was at first about 20 mm3, after slowdown about 15 mm3, with a Mosquito Magnum and Orbiter 2.
Also tried the whole print at 150, gaps are still there. But less then before. Perimeters at 150 are fine.

7 Replies
What material? What temps? What nozzle size and what is infill line width set to?
In general, looks like you need more heat in order to get more flow
Printing PLA at 215, 0.6mm nozzle and infill line width is set to 0.72.
I have thought about the temperature, but why are the perimeters at the same speed OK? If it’s a temperature issue, shouldn’t they be underextruded also?
It's not just temp.... It's temp/speed relationship...
To flow more plastic, you need to melt it faster (ie more heat)
Also, with sparse infill... There is less plastic there to push against and provide something for the new plastic to adhere to
That's why most advise using higher infill widths on sparse infill... 0.72 is pretty good, you could go higher the and see if it helps... 0.8, 0.84, etc
Fwiw, I use 220-225c with pla+ on a 0.4 nozzle at speeds around 180
I'll use slightly higher temps 225-230 with my 0.8 nozzle but I drop the speeds down to 80-100...
Thanks, will try that.
It also looks like under extrusion a bit
Most definitely, but why is the question. Have been playing around with the settings mentioned by sherbs, but haven't found the sweet spot yet.
Check your pressure advance and extrusion multipliers