502 Bad Gateway
Dear all, I'm struggeling with an "502 Bad Gateway" error since I've updated the whole RatOs after configuration, when I'm trying to open "Configurator", "Realtime Analysis" and "VAOC". It just shows a "white page" with the error.
Anyone any idea, what I'm doing wrong?
Thank you so much, Volker
5 Replies
did you update ratos, then ratos-configurator, then everything else, or did you just press the "update all" button?
Unfortunately I just hit the update all 😦
no worries. Try SSHing into the raspi and run
ratos doctor
okay thx ... I'll try right now
Wow - perfect - works like a charm!!! @TheTik thank you so much!!!
booyah! Happy to help. You can mark this as solved 👍