Wave in bed (VC4-500)

I have a similar mesh heighhtmap result with my V-Core4-500 like this: https://discord.com/channels/582187371529764864/1260559585232687126 I already did this: - checked, measured, adjusted the frame (several times) - checked the xy belts, re-adjusted the x-slider (homed, verified and z-tilt every time after adjustments) - I also already unscrewed the rail and fastened it agein (from left and also from right) - the result was similar every time. - I unscrewed the rail at the bump and placed a small plastic foil below - this flattened the result a little bit but I got 2 smaller bumps instead. Sadly, the other site of the heigtmap is negative and I do not know how to handle this. This is the current map (I removed the foil)
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12 Replies
chicken9mo ago
I didnt have a wave like that but did have a single bump. I had to take the entire x gantry extrusion out of the printer and rotate is 90 degrees and it went away. I never saw any real bumps, etc on it but that fixed my issue. Make sure you are not over-torquing the screws on the rail to extrusion as that can cause all sorts of problems. It is recommended to get a torque screw driver to make sure you are not overdoing it. It is only 0.98Nm of torque which is fairly low.
DocDoyle9mo ago
can always try a long straight edge on the bed and on the gantry perhaps it can give away the issue
solmaelstrom9mo ago
I look forward to seeing if you fix your problem Jasmin for i haven't fixed mine yet I've accepted it for now and just started printing. I kind of never did check the bed before adding the magnetic bed and flex pei sheet so I am kind of a little in the dark as to what my issue is.
JasminOP9mo ago
I will give it a try to rotate the x-axis 3030 extrusions by 90° - if the axis is not in shape this might cause this issue - the problem is: it need time to do this... 😦
JasminOP8mo ago
Bad news - I just rotated the 3030 by 90° but the result is exactly the same:
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JasminOP8mo ago
I assume it´s the buildplate - it might have a distortion - maybe during shipping - there is a bum at one edge:
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chicken8mo ago
That is why the instructions are clear that you are not supposed to install the heater or magnet on the bed until you know everything is fine. Do you have a good quality straightedge to check it with to make sure its not a problem elsewhere with your build?
JasminOP8mo ago
My straightedge is only around 30 cm but if I place it on the buildplate and place a flashlight at one side, I can see a small gap at the read area visible on the heightmap. Yes you are right, I hadn´t install the magnet and heater after having seeing the first wave and I should have measure the plate before - my fault. I read somewhere that installing the magnet and PEI plate, the wave would be much lower - that is sadly not the case. So, I will go on with the current result and maybe replace the parts later if it´s really necessary because of really bad results in the first layer.
DocDoyle8mo ago
0.327 is not the complete end of the world as well ive printed plenty of things with 0.5/0.6 diviation
JasminOP8mo ago
I will test it when I got a new hotend after experience that the ceramic heater was broken. Sadly I found nowhere any spare parts for the Rapido2 escpecially no heater 😦
cgrr8mo ago
If in US try Fabreeko for Rapido2 parts.
JasminOP8mo ago
Thx - I got the hint here to ask at meltbro.de - they are able to send me a spare part 🙂 BTW - It´s hard to get parts for the Rapido 2 Plus - the guy at meltbro told me that the parts are ordered several weeks ago but still stuck in customs for 4 weeks now...

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