every time i upgarde my printer breaks

I don't use my printer every day , but every time i do the recomended updates, my printer breaks So im once again reinstalling everything from scratch, for 1K$ PRINTER KIT, why is it so fragle?
30 Replies
but every time i do the recomended updates, my printer breaks
what recommended updates? Can you be more specific in "my printer breaks"?
typical-coralOP2y ago
i can sure after carefuly looking back, is there only me with this problem?* or* maybe, going on a limb, maybe rat-os shoud make a stable version that will incorperate klipper/moonraker/,,,what ever and make it work for the amout of money people desierve for believing in the brand?
Ratos is free and mostly the work of a single person. Perhaps you are confusing it with the ratrig kit that is sold? Not sure if it is a only you problem since you haven't really said what your issues have been
typical-coralOP2y ago
fragmentation in design, not sure if you are an end user or just a backend developer. RAT_OS is nice in that it has so many built in features, but as an "end user" none of that mattres if evey time i boot it up it needs upgrades and or stops working realy no one has had this concern? like how TF anm i on an island
Helge Keck
Helge Keck2y ago
nothing in ratos forces you to do any update, you can use the printer for one year wihtout making one. also, this is a DIY printer which runs opens source software, open source software is under constant development. this is nornmal
typical-coralOP2y ago
and as mentioned you are a RAT-OS contributer, which I applud, thank you for your work. ratrig as a co, here in the states, what have they in the EU desination sold me a nice kit for some 1.2 qid and i chose this over a voron kit because i beleived they would deliver a beter product , not to be disapointed, i just thought the company was trying to deliver a beter product. perciptioon has changed you all are complete right, there no fragmentation issue, a 1Kus 3d priner just needs to have software reinstalled once ever 6 months or so... normal stuf
If you don't like ratos you can run plain klipper or rip rap firmware
typical-coralOP2y ago
ive got to find something, love my 400mm rat, but it stops working for software reasons so much!
Helge Keck
Helge Keck2y ago
again, you dont need to make any updates. even after half a year you dont need to. nothing forces you to do that. you will still bea ble to print. your pritner wont change if you dont want to butif you do updates then you need to tinker sometimes thats open source if you want a more polished solution then this is the wrong printer for you
typical-coralOP2y ago
i guess i wish I would nerver look at the upgrades / machine tab but even if i don't "moonraker" has a change or something else every time and if you dont know what im talking about, you don't use one of these machines Rat-Rig keep up the good work
Helge Keck
Helge Keck2y ago
i have seen this message and its logged just fyi
typical-coralOP2y ago
maybe reach out i don't know why my machibe keeps breaking, do you know something glad to know you record your customers furtrations fyi
Helge Keck
Helge Keck2y ago
discord is logging it always, not we also, this isnt a customer support place, this is not related to ratrig
typical-coralOP2y ago
right , i originally asked why after sugested updates my machine crashes every time. i also asked if i was alone because this happens so many time i couldn't believe i was alons]'
Helge Keck
Helge Keck2y ago
i tried to explain it to you, this is klipper, this is a openj source osftware, many private people are working on it and its under constant change this is totally normal i also tried to explain to you that you dont need to make any updates, then your printer wont change at all its up to you if you do updates
typical-coralOP2y ago
okay, my argument isnt with you as a developer at all, i respect and admire what you have done
Helge Keck
Helge Keck2y ago
you are free to use any other OS that you want, you purchased the kit without software, software is your choice
typical-coralOP2y ago
my argument is with the people who sold me a printer I have to figure out how to keep running b/c their OS isnt locked enough to keep running. OS doesnt cost 1K\
Helge Keck
Helge Keck2y ago
who sold you the printer? ratrig? ratrig doesnt sold you any software , only the hardware kit ratos is not related to the company ratrig
typical-coralOP2y ago
okay thanks Helge, now I understand
Helge Keck
Helge Keck2y ago
however, this is getting off topic. i cant tell you more then i already did just dont make updates anymore
typical-coralOP2y ago
again I'm not mad or even angery, i was looking for answers, but may have stumbled down a rabot hole i dont want to explore. For all at rat rig, you guys did some amazing coding and libariry refference ... it is nice, beautifll. Thank you.
Mitsuma2y ago
@nicholasfilary first of all you get a warning for breaking #rules 1 of an edited message. No need to be so hostile against anybody here. As Helge mentioned we log messages and edits here, exactly for those purposes. Next lets clarify a few points: - This discord is unofficial and not affiliated with RatRig as a company. - nobody here, except the people with the Rat Rig role are actual RatRig employees, they hang out here but they have no power here in terms of moderation/content. There are some beta testers or similar here but those don't work for RatRig directly. - RatOS is made by Mikkel Schmidt here on the discord, while it has been granted a link under the ratrig domain it is also not affiliated with the company RatRig. Its open source and mainly maintained by one person, with a whole bunch of community contributions. RatRigs official support channels are their Facebook Group or via email only. - RatRig does not ship the printers with any software, RatOS at best has an endorsement from RatRig but its not a software developed by RatRig. To your core problem, a DIY Printer is as good as the builder is. Voron, Annex, RatRig, all the same. I kinda don't even get what your issue is as this is apparently just a rant thread. A printer once working doesn't actually require any upgrade or updates, most of my printers run on the same software from a year ago. Never change a running system. So no idea what you are doing wrong, you could actually try and explain your issues properly but the printer doesn't just stop working without you doing anything to it. Software doesn't auto update. Hardware should not cause issues if you do regular maintenance.
typical-coralOP2y ago
to get your attention I must have been really crappy, for that im sorry. If you don't know my frustration, here it is. I have a wonderful desinged 3d printer, normally works fine, but it wants updates, and advertises them to me. If i do the update, 90% of the time it breaks the machine, Why? If i am alone in this issue, then 100% OPERATOR ERROR, but if im not, someone could explane why i know Klipper/moonraker different development groups, why doesn't the ratos stop asking for updates until all the bugs are taken care why isn't my machine self aware enough to not want updates if it means a complete structual change? Response "oh wiat you just have to ssh into the linux core and do a little editing, come on man" heard this so many times. if this was a 300$ kit from where ever then I would never even have an issue.
you talking about this https://discord.com/channels/582187371529764864/859890291591217162/991850540399083541 ? I am pretty sure Mikel fixed having spaces in the wifi config. Sorry that it didn't work, but if you remove the configurator you would have still had to SSH into your machine to connect to wifi (that's how you do it in plain klipper installs). The only other support I see from you is https://discord.com/channels/582187371529764864/844167067757182980/991828113661120533 which was due to moonraker update that broke a lot of things, and as you correctly pointed out is not within ratos's control
Mitsuma2y ago
it doesnt "want" updates, thats your misconception of how it works. Don't press the update button if you don't need an update. RatOS actually mentions this part in the docs pretty well: https://os.ratrig.com/docs/installation#updating
In general, it's advisable to keep all your packages up to date, but if you're happy with how your printer works and there's nothing interesting for you in the updates, it's perfectly fine to delay updating until a later time. Klipper is a continually evolving project, that also means that bugs do happen. In the rare circumstance that bugs are introduced, they're usually fixed very quickly, but if you have a bunch of important prints coming up, maybe delay the updates untill afterwards.
Updating the printer is usually fine, but since you update like 6 different software packages on top of system packages there is always a chance for things to not go well.
i know Klipper/moonraker different development groups, why doesn't the ratos stop asking for updates until all the bugs are taken care
Because RatOS is not a full on new things, in essence it is MainsailOS (Klipper + Moonsail + Mainsail) with extra stuff. RatOS doesn't change much about the way Klipper/Moonraker/Mainsail handles updates. You are just advised to update RatOS first so your configs are prepared for Klipper/Moonraker updates.
Response "oh wiat you just have to ssh into the linux core and do a little editing, come on man" heard this so many times. if this was a 300$ kit from where ever then I would never even have an issue.
Again, RatRig sells a machine and not the software for it. Klipper/Moonraker/Mainsail or RatOS as a fork of MainsailOS are all free and open source software independent of the hardware you bought. For that matter you could also use RRF.
typical-coralOP2y ago
thank you for your support
Mitsuma2y ago
I would recommend you to just reflash RatOS one more time. Setup everything to your liking/machine. (you can always use your old changes from the current install). Then simply don't touch any of the update buttons really and your printer should run just fine and just to mention it again, its not even a RatOS issues. thats simply how Klipper/Moonraker do their things. if you didnt use RatOS and just used "vanilla" klipper you would have the same issue if it was Klipper/moonraker related. or you would have more issues as RatOS is generally pretty good at avoiding config issues if Klipper/Moonraker plans changes to syntax still unsure what even your issue was to begin with, if I had to guess you updated the system packages and hit this issue https://discord.com/channels/582187371529764864/844364874216898562/1102292641128915095 fun fact thats not even a printer related issue but Debian adding a bug in their OS
typical-coralOP2y ago
i have come to this conclusion, i want the functionality of web based control, but will lock it to local access and never look at the machine/ update tab ever again If you guys ever work on a whole bake solution or if the company behind the rat rig printer kits do, cheers.
Mitsuma2y ago
doesnt need to be that drastic. tbh you could also just make a backup of the sd card before an upgrade and then you can always go back if things go wrong

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