MPU6050 problem with ratOS 2.1

I'm trying to get my input shaper to work with the MPU6050, I installed the prerequisites, changed the baud rate and added these lines to my printer.cfg Option 'accel_chip' is not valid in section 'resonance_tester', but this is from the following klipper docs; [mcu rpi] serial: /tmp/klipper_host_mcu [mpu9250] i2c_mcu: rpi i2c_bus: i2c.1 [resonance_tester] accel_chip: mpu9250 probe_points: 100, 100, 20 # an example
5 Replies
Upload your entire printer.cfg and klipper.log
miklschmidt9mo ago
ratos specifies both axes. Use accel_chip_x and accel_chip_y
AsicResistorOP9mo ago
That fixed it, thanks!!

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