VAOC Stuck on loading

Hi! I'm trying to get my RPI cam to work with VAOC, but always get stuck loading. The webcam itself works fine with the shown settings and "Adaptive MJPEG-Streamer", but not with WebRTC. Any ideas?
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32 Replies
FredrikLOPβ€’5mo ago
Does anyone know why this might be? Kind of desperate tbh
miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
wrong crowsnest configuration
The webcam itself works fine with the shown settings and "Adaptive MJPEG-Streamer", but not with WebRTC. Any ideas?
That doesn't work You need webrtc (camera-streamer) which makes the URL /webcam/webrtc Just follow the commisioning guide and configure crowsnest properly.
FredrikLOPβ€’5mo ago
I have pasted this, which is what it says in the commissioning guide; it's exactly the same [crowsnest] log_path: /home/pi/printer_data/logs/crowsnest.log log_level: verbose # Valid Options are quiet/verbose/debug delete_log: false # Deletes log on every restart, if set to true no_proxy: false[cam 1] mode: camera-streamer # ustreamer - Provides mjpg and snapshots. (All devices) # camera-streamer - Provides webrtc, mjpg and snapshots. (rpi + Raspi OS based only) enable_rtsp: false # If camera-streamer is used, this enables also usage of an rtsp server rtsp_port: 8554 # Set different ports for each device! port: 8080 # HTTP/MJPG Stream/Snapshot Port device: /dev/video0 # See Log for available ... resolution: 1920x1080 # widthxheight format max_fps: 20 # If Hardware Supports this it will be forced, otherwise ignored/coerced. #custom_flags: # You can run the Stream Services with custom flags.
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FredrikLOPβ€’5mo ago
FredrikLOPβ€’5mo ago
At least now it says "Webcam stream not found" instead of just spinning forever πŸ˜„
MurmelMannenβ€’5mo ago
I had the same problem, it's when you copy it doesnt copy correctly and where it says no_proxy: false you have to make a new row after it so cam 1 is on its own row and then it should work.
FredrikLOPβ€’5mo ago
@MurmelMannen Great call, I hadn't noticed. With the following crowsnest, it's currently just blank. I know the webcam works, as it was showing up before I changed it to /webcam/webrtc.
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MurmelMannenβ€’5mo ago
Have you tried restarting?
FredrikLOPβ€’5mo ago
Yes sir, multiple times πŸ™‚
MurmelMannenβ€’5mo ago
Then I don’t know what it could be It looks to be the same as mine
FredrikLOPβ€’5mo ago
Which camera are you using?
MurmelMannenβ€’5mo ago
The one that came with the kit
FredrikLOPβ€’5mo ago
Nice, the 3D0 one. I'm trying to use an RPI Cam V2 πŸ™‚
MurmelMannenβ€’5mo ago
Oh maybe that’s the problem Does it support the same things?
FredrikLOPβ€’5mo ago
It should, it's just a webcam, but I'm considering if I should just buy the 3D0 camera πŸ˜„
MurmelMannenβ€’5mo ago
Maybe, but could it be like a different device as it’s not the same camera maybe video1 Or it needs a different port perhaps
FredrikLOPβ€’5mo ago
The camera will show up using the mjpeg format, just not the WebRtc, I'm realtively confident it's mostly a webrtc issue πŸ˜„ But I'm far from an expert
MurmelMannenβ€’5mo ago
Yeah same I don’t really know how it works
miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
You're missing linebreaks @Cruz can you fix this? the formatting in the docs is borked, don't make it 2 sections. Use a single blockquote, not two.
FredrikLOPβ€’5mo ago
The cam section? I fixed it, didn't solve everything though ;/
miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
You probably have more issues Please refresh the update manager in the mainsail machine tab and update everything. Then use /dev/RatOS/rr-vaoc-cam instead of /dev/video0 and reboot the pi.
FredrikLOPβ€’5mo ago
On it!
miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
And then please post a debug zip
Cruzβ€’5mo ago
my bad Fixed πŸ’ͺ
FredrikLOPβ€’5mo ago
Everything updated πŸ™‚ Any other files that you need? Thanks for helping me out!
miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago From your crowsnest log, the RR camera seems to be running fine.
FredrikLOPβ€’5mo ago
I agree, looks like it, but nothing pops up on webrtc webcams or the VAOC 😦
miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
what browser are you using?
FredrikLOPβ€’5mo ago
Orca/Chrome, it's the same on both 😦 Thank you for all the help @miklschmidt Could it be that the VAOC /WebRTC is incompatible with the RPI Camera module (V2.1)?
miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
Could it be that the VAOC /WebRTC is incompatible with the RPI Camera module (V2.1)?
Oh... i thought we were talking about the official RR VAOC. The setup for the picamv2 is completely different. No wonder it doesn't work. gimme a sec
FredrikLOPβ€’5mo ago
Oh really? Crap, my bad, I'm so sorry! 😦
miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
# VAOC Raspicam V2 libcamera config
[cam 1]
mode: camera-streamer
enable_rtsp: false
rtsp_port: 8554
port: 8080
device: /base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/imx219@10
resolution: 1472x1088
max_fps: 30
custom_flags: --camera-height=2464 --camera-width=3280 --camera-video.height=1232 --camera-snapshot.height=1232 --camera-format=YUYV
# VAOC Raspicam V2 libcamera config
[cam 1]
mode: camera-streamer
enable_rtsp: false
rtsp_port: 8554
port: 8080
device: /base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/imx219@10
resolution: 1472x1088
max_fps: 30
custom_flags: --camera-height=2464 --camera-width=3280 --camera-video.height=1232 --camera-snapshot.height=1232 --camera-format=YUYV
That will give you a 4:3 image (higher resolution than the next option). You can do this for a 16:9 cropped image:
[cam 1]
mode: camera-streamer
enable_rtsp: false
rtsp_port: 8554
port: 8080
device: /base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/imx219@10
resolution: 1920x1080
max_fps: 40
custom_flags: --camera-height=1080 --camera-width=1920 --camera-video.height=1080 --camera-snapshot.height=1080 --camera-format=YUYV
[cam 1]
mode: camera-streamer
enable_rtsp: false
rtsp_port: 8554
port: 8080
device: /base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/imx219@10
resolution: 1920x1080
max_fps: 40
custom_flags: --camera-height=1080 --camera-width=1920 --camera-video.height=1080 --camera-snapshot.height=1080 --camera-format=YUYV
I might've missed something, no worries

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