ratrig wiring guide and pinout from google are different. which order do my steppers motor wires go?

Hello. I am building a 500mm enclosed ratrig vcore 3.1. I am using the duet 3 mini 5+ board. I am putting the wires in the board now. I have been following g this guide. https://ratrig.dozuki.com/c/02._Enclosure_2.0 For the wiring I was using this picture https://v-core.ratrig.com/assets/wiring_huge.png In this guide it shows the wires for the stepper motors going from bottom to top are. Black, green, red, blue. So I put all the wires in. Here is a picture of my wires. When I got to the part about wiring the fan To cool the hot end. I noticed that the fan has 2 pins and the board has 4 pins. In the picture from the guide it shows the red wire on bottom and the black wire on top. Now here is where I get confused. I looked up a pinout for the duet 3 mini 5+. And this is what I found. The picture from Google of the board pinout shows two things different. One. It shows the fan goes black on the very bottom pin. And red right above it. This is opposite of what the guide shows. The guide shows the black wire going on the very top pin and the red wire underneath it. Second. It shows the stepper motor wiring to be from bottom to top. Red, blue, green, black. Which is a completely different order. What should I do. Should I keep the wires how they are or should I switch them to match the pinout google image? Also. Where do I put the wires for the fans? Do I use the ratrig guide. Or the Google pinout result? Sorry if this is a dumb question. I am building this for work and don't want to fry any electronics. I thank you all in advance for the time and effort to respond to this post and help me. I am very grateful for all of the assistance I have had here and will continue to have here.
Rat Rig
02. Enclosed V-Core 3.1
A step-by-step assembly guide for building a new enclosed Rat Rig V-Core 3.1 from the ground up
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11 Replies
DJGummikuh•3y ago
first of all the wiring colors for the steppers are essentially just guides. In effect if you wire up in any combination the steppers will either not move (pairs connected nonfitting) move backwards (one pair flipped) or move forward (both pairs flipped or no pair flipped). Not much you can break there if the motors move backwards you can fix that in your config.g
compatible-crimson•3y ago
for the fans this should help. red goes to V_OUTLC1 and black to out3/4
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vicious-goldOP•3y ago
Ty sooo much
DJGummikuh•3y ago
though truth be told, if you're doing this for work and are the only one with your level of expertise in electronics there, I'd be relatively cool with the risk of breaking stuff. If nobody cares to understand what's going on there, why should you? 😂🤷
vicious-goldOP•3y ago
Yah I'm the only person who has ever done anything related to 3D printing. I own 3 printers at home. Have built a few for other companies. And now I'm full time at this place. I suggested to get one and picked the rat rig because it seemed like the best printer for the price.
DJGummikuh•3y ago
well it's definitely a beast, however parts of the instructions also seem to have been written by one... 🤔
vicious-goldOP•3y ago
Thus is definitely the most complicated printer I've built. But very close to my heavily molded ender 5 plus that I put a skr 1.4 turbo. Tmc2209's drivers. All new hot end assembly designed by me. Touch screen tft v 3.0. Converted the whole printer to CoreXY. And a bunch more. Actually maybe this isn't as complicated.
DJGummikuh•3y ago
it's complex, not complicated and for the most part, the instructions make sure you end up with a printer and not a thermonuclear device.
vicious-goldOP•3y ago
Lol true I'm like half way done with wiring now Trying to finish the wiring before I leave work
oliof•3y ago
Duet3D Documentation
Configuring RepRapFirmware for CoreXY Printer
This page describes how to set up the configuration files for CoreXY printers, the same firmware binary also supports Cartesian, Delta and other printers kinematics .
vicious-goldOP•3y ago
Wow thanks for that golden nugget. 😄 This helps a lot Thank you!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡

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