Waves on printed parts
Dear all I was changed to an Octopus, and last Marlin version, coming from an old small board, and just one step previous Marlin version, using 2 mm advance lead on Z axis, as before, and now this effect appeared, any idea?
19 Replies
print the cube with 200% size
if the waves have the same height its most likely z-wobble, if the waves are smaller its probably the extruder
conscious-sapphireOP•3y ago
I'll try , the extruder it's an Orbiter 1.5 and is giving me some headache
why? its a good extruder
conscious-sapphireOP•3y ago
I think it's a good extruder too, I was too fast in my last answer, I did the cube, and some more taller, with same results, waving, I was even tried to change extruder flow, as in the picture, from 50 to 100%, results are always the same, referring wobbling, I'm using linear guides, in X and Z, I was tried using rigid couplings, flexible couplings, with and without ball, brass nuts, pom nuts, y changed motors for more powerful ones, I changed leads, I changed drivers on board, and of course, thousands of firmware changes, I have ball bearings in the leads tips just to avoid mechanical wobbling, I designed more robust motor holders, the plan for today is to change the drivers model for a 2209, currently I have 2208, just reading, looks like related with last Marlin version, if I have no success changing drivers, I'll change back to 8 mm lead instead of two
what printer is this?
conscious-sapphireOP•3y ago
A new one designed by me
It's not the first I make
conscious-sapphireOP•3y ago
ok, then its difficult to help you, i know the typical v-core issues but dont know your system at all
conscious-sapphireOP•3y ago
It's a common bridge design, but stronger
do you use bearings for the leadscrew constraint on the top?
conscious-sapphireOP•3y ago
Of course, 608
remove them and print again
just to rule something out
conscious-sapphireOP•3y ago
Good point, I'll try
conscious-sapphireOP•3y ago
conscious-sapphireOP•3y ago
Same behaviour, no changes without them
This looks like the classic watermark bed issue.
Switch to PID
conscious-sapphireOP•3y ago
I have PID, now, looks much better, mechanical misalignment
I suppose you mean PID on heating?
I will try to find any other pid
i think he is talking about the heating control of your bed, do you use
or pid
, and if you use pid
have you done apid tuning already?
assuming oyu use klipper it should look like this
control: pid
this would be the possible issue
control: watermark
conscious-sapphireOP•3y ago
Yes , I always use PID in both, bed and nozzle, and once finished the machine I always include the PID values inside Marlin, compile again, and upload this last version, with PID values included to the printer