Z_TILT_ADJUST XY positions are not correct

Hi, my VCore 3.1 is having issues when performing Z_TILT_ADJUST. Normally the XY coordinates work fine (when homing and moving via G-code, klipper). But when it is doing Z_TILT_ADJUST, the actual toolhead is on a different position than what Klipper says it is at. It is not following the configured Z-tilt probe points and afterwards bumping on the side of the frame, thinking it is somewhere else. So far I spend many hours, days even, trying to find the cause. Does anybody have any clue what configuration could be wrong? - On starting Z_TILT_ADJUST, it moves relative on where the toolhead is at the start, G90 or G91 make no difference - Klipper (RatOS) says that the toolhead is on the configured z-tilt probe points, but in reality it is not - When configuring the z-tilt probe points along the Y axis only, it also moves a bit on the X axis. - When configuring the z-tilt probe points in steps of 40 mm along the Y axis (e.g. 100,100 - 100,140 - 100,180), it moves around 30 mm instead. When increasing the probe point steps to 100mm. It only moves 20mm in the first tilt attempt and then wants to go negative Y causing it to bump into the frame. So very different behaviour with each z-tilt point configuration.
2 Replies
miklschmidt3y ago
Sounds like skipped steps or loose pulleys, possible caused by binding. Post a video.
adverse-sapphireOP3y ago
I finally figured it out, it was because I had overwritten the [printer] configuration section without including the kinematics variable.

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