option 'pin' is not valid in section 'heater_bed'. (V-Minion, running an SKRAT board)

[heater_bed] control: pid pid_kp: 68.203 pid_ki: 2.842 pid_kd: 409.216
11 Replies
Attach debug.zip please
wetworxOP5w ago
Can you tell me where to look for that? I'm sorry, but I have searched everywhere for a debug.zip file, but not finding one, is there another word for it?
See the pinned comment in #ratos-support
wetworxOP5w ago
Not finding a debug.zip file available or for download anywhere. Everythign appears to be covered by the error message.
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wetworxOP5w ago
If it helps, I have used PB3 for the Heatbed pin.
It is in the configurator
wetworxOP5w ago
Been through every option in the configurator, not seeing a debug.zip download (Really not being obtuse, jsut reporting what i am seeing locally).
wetworxOP5w ago
Now going through the configure, it is telling me that my boards needs to be reflashed, I go through actions and reflash all boards and it is a success, reporting both boards flashed, then it will nto allow me past the flash board screen, as it is telling me I need to reflash. Am I doing somethign fundamentlaly wrong?
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MDFPereira5w ago
RatOs-Debug.zip is in the configurator as stated before. If not, either you are not using RatOs or your system is messed without possible return. Ssh to the pi and send ratos doctor The error about control means you are missing that section on printer.cfg. This section is generated automaticaly by the system. Either someone deleted it or comented it. Only having your files (ratos-debug.zip) we can help About the board; flash it via sd card (not auto flash nor dfu). Somehow the bootloader on the board got messed.
wetworxOP5w ago
Will do! I will report back.
MDFPereira4w ago
I just did the configurator for the V-Minion with SKRat and no toolboard abd everything is correct. Maybe something got messed in your config. Without the ratos-debug.zip we can't look for what is it.

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