Connecting to university wifi

I want to connect my printer to my university's Wi-Fi network. I have 2 options, eduroam, which seems to require both a username and password, and RedRover, which requires you to login and register your connection via a UI. I've heard that eduroam can be weird with pi's but I don't know how I could tackle a login screen in ratos. Any ideas?
3 Replies
Mietzekatzi2y ago
What is your goal with this? Even if you manage to connect the printer to one of the „public“ Wi-Fi’s, I think you will run into one of two problems: 1. All connection between clients in the network is blocked/ isolated. You will not be able to reach the printer from your PC (unless you set up a VPN connection). This most likely will be the case with eduroam 2. Isolation is not blocked and you can reach your printer. But everyone else on the network can do so too (Start print jobs, break your config, etc). So you first would need to set up some access control for the printer, or you risk that somebody does malicious things. I think it would be better to connect your printer directly to your PC via LAN (set up static IPs), or through some router without Internet access.
RainingRusty2y ago
Or extend option two with the same router for your own connectivity but create a wifi bridge to the university wifi so that you have internet for you internal network devices but nobody can come through your firewall and access any device your have connected.
solid-orangeOP2y ago
Thanks, this seems understandably complicated to resolve. I think I'll stick to my current solution which is just connecting to the printer's wifi or using a hotspot

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