VC3.1 500. I am getting some belt binding

Looking for some help with belt tension. My belts are binding and I think that is messing with my bed mesh. Also, I'm unsure how to read the graph and how to fix the noise.
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3 Replies
YouvBeenThumped11mo ago
Is it enclosed?
DaxxerOP11mo ago
it is not sorry for being a nub but would you mind explaining why that maters? I'd like to know for whenever I do enclose the printer
YouvBeenThumped11mo ago
If you have panel vibrations like I do currently it causes a lot of "noise" in the readings. So for instance when looking at your belt tension graph for the what would be Upper belt (Yellow Line) that area between the 2 peaks is noise from something vibrating. Along with the little peaks before the first large peak. But if you know your Belts are Binding I would start with loosening your belts check all bearings for an just incase measure. Tighten belts to kind of sloppy but not where the belt will slip teeth and then go from there with belt tension graphs as you tighten one side you will see how the graph changes... As it looks, Your Lower belt is tighter than your upper belt. So loosening your lower belt 1 turn and tightening your upper belt 2 turns could solve your issue. But I would recommend starting over and getting a better understanding of how to tension the belts. Also check all bearing stacks hardware that nothing has backed off while belts are loosened. When you tighten one belt. You are tightening the other belt. That is why loosening one side and then tightening the other side is key So for starters. Since yours is naming both belts a number. I would loosen one belt a bunch. Just so you know which belt is upper and lower on your graph to rule out incase you get it backwards

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