Something seriously wrong with my machine
After enclosing my VC3.1 300 and changing all parts to ABS - this is the best I can get after think ~100 attempts to tune/measure belts
Any ideas what is wrong and how to fix?
26 Replies
125 is something loose, as for the graphs, looks like tension on upper is too high. I have never gotten anything worst than MZV suggestion . I would check that the whole gantry moves freely too.
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
My printer probably damned. Or I'm damned. Maybe I should sell it and live normal life, I don't know. This is the best I can get after another full reassemble of motion system with change of XY joiners, total checking of everything, etc... just does not work no matter what I'm doing.
I think your overtightened. Put the gantry at 250,250 and the belts should flex a bit if you press them. If they don't your tight. Also I would try a tool. Like from thinvgverse to get you half way there
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
I set initial belts preload via tone method (with spectroid app) and tried 60 / 75 / 90 hz - no big difference, graphs look like shit anyway
stormy-gold•2y ago
does it print really unusably badly?
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
Not, but you could not get good speed/acceleration which does not really make sense for so expensive printer 😉
stormy-gold•2y ago
ok interesting, I may be having the same issue
I also get belt skips whenever I try to go past 15k accel
Just from what I see the amplitude on the frequency from the smaller ones is around 8k.
I have a vcore 500 and I do get the 1e^6 around 1.2
So I think your overtighting
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
I... just don't understant.
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
FMMM mod + Metal XY joiners
Home come I get so bad results literally no matter what...
stormy-gold•2y ago
could this be related to the mounting of the sensor or some other interference related effect? Do prints really obviously reflect this?
I think you should check your sensor as well
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
Yeah, also think that might be the case. In my case it is ADXL on EBB42, so it is quite far from nozzle and the mount itself not very rigid
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
Results after changing belts to Gates
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
Not sure why I'm still sending pictures here 😉
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
After another set of adjustments here and there and significantly lower tension (~ 60 Hz on Spectroid)
unwilling-turquoise•2y ago
post pictures with the belts, and the corners where the belts ride the pulleys/idlers, should be belt dust everywhere. they are rubbing somewhere
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
Belts definitely not everywhere in the center of pulleys/bearings, unfortunately all attempts to make them perfectly centered failed, I do not believe this is even possible, they moving a little up and down anyways. What I see - it does not cause damage to belts, all sides of belts are fine.
I posted photo of belts "dust" here - - but it was everywhere, all places, I assume those are just new belts, after cleaning I don't see this anymore
deep-jadeOP•15mo ago
Okay, this is fixed
And what did you do to fix it?
deep-jadeOP•15mo ago
Hehe, new printer basically 🙂 Full reassemble with more stiff corner brackets where possible, shoulder bolts, lightweight X gantry and (damn it) new toolhead
which toolhead?
deep-jadeOP•15mo ago
Noice, I was in the same boat. I switched to dual rail mgn9 , grantryless. VZ CNC printhead, and BRS engineering m2 tensioner and boom. Fixed. 😂
Im in the process of installing all metal brackets too , I think the Eva is too complex, my mgn9 rails are also preloaded. Additionally moving the tensioner eliminated more screws.
deep-jadeOP•15mo ago
Yes, unfortunately, this what you have to do with stock config to make it usable...
There is new type - - might be more lightweight. I won't be trying, too much upgrades already 😉
Yeah ended up installing that today, no improvements. I think most of it came from the CNC printhead and going dual rail. Now it's just the challenges of having a vcore 500