The automatic operation of the blowing fan causes that the hot end cannot be heated
For help, I click to start printing. After returning, the hot bed starts to heat up, and then when the hot end starts to heat up, the blowing fan will automatically start, causing the hot end to fail to heat up. We didn't encounter this problem when we didn't use ratOS. Today, we tried to install ratOS. What needs to be changed to prevent 5015 from running automatically when there is no printing
22 Replies
you need a sock
on your hotend
also, the fan should not start by tis own
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
But it was normal when ratOS was not used before
can you show how you have connected them and showing your printer.cfg as well
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
Or it can be warmed up normally without printing
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
please share your prinbter.cfg, this screenshot doesnt tell me anything
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
please check if your bed thermistor is working correctly or plugged in correclty
your error message clearly says the bed heater has an issue
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
and you are saying both fans will be turned on when heating up the hotend?
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
so you enter a temp in mainsail and then both are on?#
jsut want to make sure we are on the same side
you say you have a dual 5015? did you spliced the wires or do you use two connectors?
you must have messed up it somewhere
i would disconnect one fan to see if ti works
and then test the other fan
that behaviour is not right
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
Manually set the temperature rise 5015 will not operate, and the temperature can rise normally
Splice the wires and merge two 5015
i am confused now, when does the fans turn on then?
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
Each time you click to start printing the part, and then the hot bed is warmed up
again, check your bed thermistor cable first
klipper shuts doen bc of the bed heater, not the fan
open mainsail and check if the bed temperatur is correct
then try to enter a bed temp manually
then tell me what happens
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
Error report closed
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
What is the maximum temperature of the hot bed in ratos? Is it the maximum temperature problem
deep-jadeOP•2y ago
That's strange. The temperature does not exceed the maximum value
Surprisingly, they engaged themselves and did not move anything