adxl345 wiring and config settings

fresh V Minion build using all stock setting on a SKR2 board. per the wiring diagram I pinned out the sensor as shown. Getting a FF Vs e5 when I try to check the probe. just not sure if it's a wiring, config or both issue. 1) the pic shows green blocks over the jumpers (red arrows in pic) does that mean the jumpers should be removed?? they are in the stock position from factory 2) I checked the adxl on a esp d1 mini so I know the sensor works 3) per the Ratos instructions I uncommented the 1 line to use a single probe for both. it claims that's the only thing you have to do. ? I did see posts about using cat5 for the sensor so I guess I'll try that, but not sure what else I'm missing. a nudge in the right direction would help. Thanks
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2 Replies
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
Update for anyone in the future who is unsure I redid the cable per the suggested pairs using cat5 cable. Probably wasn't needed but I'm sure it's better to do it that way. After finding the board and cable diagrams on the rat rig site (as opposed to the build walkthrough) It states the green block are the only place you should have jumpers and all others should be removed. After adjusting the ones by the red header the adxl was detected.
Yay for reading and following directions 😉
Darth_Maul_Vadim•2y ago
How you pairing cables?

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