ASA Benchy

First ever ASA print. 200m/s 275 degrees on hot end 4020 Sanyo cooling 50% for bridges 30% perimeters 3DO ASA Vcore 400 with panels Rapido UHF tungsten carbide nozzle Orbiter 2 Most of the Benchy I’m pretty happy with except for the obviously gnarly section of the hull. Was wondering if more perimeter cooling would help? Don’t want to increase or reduce speed. Just looking for a solid middle ground between speed and quality.
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11 Replies
like-gold2y ago
Do you have a heated chamber? If so: try more fan action. I run my 4048 at 100% with ASA.
tomlOP2y ago
Not actively heated yet. Just the bed. You run it 100% constantly? Or for perimeters?
like-gold2y ago
constantly. I have about 50°C in my chamber, so not too high.
4048 or 4028?
like-gold2y ago
do you always press the right buttons? because I don't. 😄
" I don't always press the right buttons, but when I do, I do it on discord. Stay thirsty my friends"
like-gold2y ago
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Just wanted to make sure - cause some people sub out the expensive 4028 for normal 4020 so not knowing maybe there is a 4048 floating around that you could be using
like-gold2y ago
but yeah, to have lots of moving air on ASA I got from heisenberg, but that is with a warm chamber.
tomlOP2y ago
Pure guesstimate but it’s at least 30 degrees in there. Wife stole all my evening time so will try more cooling tomorrow!

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