Rapido Heatbreak

I'm not stupid right? The filament doesn't melt until it gets to the heating element. So what's in the middle of this heat break that's keeping the filament from passing through the heatbreak before it even gets to the tube for the heating element? It's not like it's supposed to be melted at that point, so It should pass fine right? It's hard to get a pic, but looking down the heatbreak you can see the small ring where the filament can't pass. You can kinda see the tiny bits of filament where it's getting stuck too. This printer has been running fine (not great) and then had bad under extrusion one day. I thought I jacked a setting in SuperSlicer so set it aside until I had time to fiddle with it.
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10 Replies
umop3plsdn3dlusOP•2y ago
To be clear, this bit, not the core plug/tube holder deal
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SteveBorough•2y ago
Rapido is a mess! I dont know if I'm losing faith in RatRig altogether or just Rapido. Its becoming a "when in doubt re-build/buy your hotend" situation, quick! One such re-buy was a bed crash due to faulty adaptive-mesh code, I'm in about $2500 for this printer so far and could have had 3 Bamboo's or K1s cranking shit out for a year now! currently waiting on a Rapido replacement heatbreak/ceramic heater assembly to begin the process of tuning my vcore once again!
Quinny•2y ago
I agree, the rapido seems to be a terrible hotend. I've had nothing but trouble with mine and I'm at the point of just chucking it away I get clogs from just doing a unload 😅 I've stuck a drill bit down the heat break to clean up the sides and the filament seems to slide within that part better now but I'm still really disappointed in the hotend though and glad I'm not the only one having issues
ptegler•2y ago
Is that 'ridge' in the heat sink? (not the tube going into the hot end) Is that a 'real' Phateus' unit or a aliexpress knock off. Either way i'd return it, or just drill it out if its the heat break. At the top, it should not effect ops.
Quinny•2y ago
i should say when i mean drill out pretty much take any burrs off the edge
ptegler•2y ago
Are you running a real Phateus manufactured unit or an ali clone! I've run at least 10 spools of PC-CF and PA12-CF through mine without a single hicup. and I'm fairly sure i'm not alone here abusing 'real' Rapidos.
Mike-Toro3D•2y ago
Same here. The original rapido is one of the most widely used hotends here
huskyte•2y ago
Ok, might be an answer to you. I cannot find the schematics any more, but there is a ring of a smaller diameter in very rapido. Basically the endstop fro the heatbrake from one side as well as for the PTFE from the other side. It has to be there. Point is and this happened to me as well. I rammed the Rapido into the bed and the upper part of the heatbrake was chamfered. I might have happened because the screws weren't really tight or maybe it would have happened anyway, but the filament wasn't able to go into the heatbrake any more (dechamfered it with a Wera screw driver). The thing is, it can happen and might not happen as extrem as I had it happen. But this explains the clogging. My rapidos screws weren't thight from the start, so that might have caused this mayhem. If your filament can easily slide through the heatbreak when taken apart and the inner bore of the ring is lager than your filament, you should be fine.
Quinny•2y ago
OK that makes sense, so really what they need to do is put spacers over the bolts so the force isn't put into the filament guide for the heater core
exotic-emerald•2y ago
My Rapido has performed perfectly for the last year on all materials I have tried. Maybe you have a faulty unit.

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